
My momentary heroism earned me several news features, a call from Rina and distressed family members, and a darned cold.

News flash. This girl is down with a cold.

Just great.

I couldn't believe how I fell ill because of that. It's been ages since I actually got sick, and now my head feels torn apart. Sneezing repeatedly and being unable to breathe properly is also driving me nuts. 

People really don't appreciate the convenience of working nostrils until they're suddenly blocked.

"This is why you should scream first before jumping in." Said my husband, who had two perfectly working nostrils.


"You say that, but we both know he would've died if I waited a bit more."

Of course, Lucian would know. Just the child's discoloration and the CCTV footage we retrieved indicated that. We saw what really happened because we had to ask in case someone said I pushed the child into the water.