Family Ties

That night, the steak and eggs (my wonderful contribution) were great. But if I didn't know any better, he just wanted to fatten me before eating me, in turn.

The kitchen counter and door to our room proved to be durable that night. As expected of the nation's top construction firm.

We had been tired this week so it wasn't a surprise that we both just passed out after. Though, normally, Lucian's capable of holding on, but tonight, he was out before I was.

Waking up in the middle of the night to pee was an experience. Since I've changed my body clock to be out of here early in the morning, I was reduced to "naps" with how short they were.

But when I tried to walk to the bathroom, I was grabbed by a suddenly awake Lucian.

"What? Why are you awake?" I asked, voice still very unsteady after a night of roughhousing

"Where are you going?" His voice was hoarse but stern.