
After I demolished the snacks I had bought from the car, Lucian stopped me from touching the ones we had just bought.

"If you run out of snacks, that's on you. The stores are pretty far from that villa."

"What?! Why didn't you say so?! I could have rationed them then!" I smacked him in the arm in protest.

"Who would have thought you'd inhale everything by the time I look again."

My snack issue was interrupted by the change in scenery.

This particular villa was really out of the way. Nestled in a serene countryside. The fact that there wasn't any snow here should tell how far we traveled.

No wonder we couldn't just fly here.

The place was a stark contrast to the city's towering buildings. It was rustic and lush, with a garden covering much of the area.

Lily ran around excitedly, and Rina even looked nostalgic as she went in.