Mayor Roa

Trigger warning: Non-graphic depictions of physical, mental, and sexual abuse.

Alyssa's story did not get any lighter. She described what had happened to her poor cousin once she lost all her money.

"Joseph managed to win councilor by relying on blood money. Our family's blood money."

"We thought his treatment of Ara might improve now that he's reached his goal. But it got worse when he realized he couldn't extort anything from her anymore.

From emotional and psychological abuse, Joseph proceeded to add physical abuse into the mix. But he was smart enough to keep it in areas that weren't visible to the public. That was his way of protecting his political image.

"One day, Ara found him on their bed with his secretary. My poor cousin couldn't wrap around the idea of Joseph cheating on her, but her shock didn't stop there because instead of throwing out his secretary, Joseph threw out Ara."