Ocular Visit

We didn't stay for too long. It was best to look like tourists who just happened to pass by the place. So, we made sure to take photos while Lucian roamed around with the land surveyor.

Part of our plan was to prepare proof of the site's viability. It was important to establish that in case someone attempts to sabotage our land.

Since we got that notice, people have been watching the place. If arson weren't beneath Alexa, then sabotaging our actual lot wouldn't be unthinkable for her.

The idea was to perform the same actions in some other areas before we went after Joseph's nightlife. We lounged with our wide-brimmed hats under the sun while we listened to our people's findings.

"He's been meeting up with the daughter of Loretta's most prominent family. We think he's trying to get a formal engagement." Mitchel reported.

"He's been taking her to populated areas, probably trying to cement their relationship publicly," Oliver added.