Creature of Habit


All we could do was wait while someone we knew fought for her life inside that room. That did not sit well with me. Even when I could see snippets of what was happening from the mini cam we gave her, it couldn't replicate the sheer terror she must've felt while she fended off that perverted bastard.

"We can't stay here for long. We'll wait by the hotel for reconnaissance." Lucian said as he ordered Mr. Jim to leave for now.

Our initial plan was to follow his trail to get evidence of his infidelity. We just did not count on it to end up like this. 

Alexa's gone too far. 

It was one thing to bully people, but this was an actual crime very worthy of a lengthy jail sentence. But what's even more regrettable was how she'd been using her brain for things like this instead of using it on more productive things like honestly earning a living.

Ugh, seriously.