
You better believe we got our approved permit the soonest possible time. What followed in his wake was a slew of legal cases ranging from adultery, rape, extortion, attempted murder, drug charges, and bribery. He was also officially impeached.

The files Alyssa unearthed helped us out a lot. They meant it when they said they exhausted their assets trying to look for evidence because most just lacked the last certification. Alyssa said they had to forcefully stop because her mother fell ill. They had to divert their funding and couldn't continue with the investigation.

By this time, Joseph's case had reached the ears of people from the bigger cities, and even my parents had called to check on us.

"We've already gone back, Mom," I told her as I rubbed Chester for all the days we've been away.

"That's good, sweetheart. You should take care of it, okay? That was a pretty big hornet's nest." My mom warned me, and I promised to take all necessary precautions.