I tried not to jump to conclusions, but that was difficult, especially when I was definitely biased against them.
But because we had no idea what kind of infertility it was, it meant that we couldn't assume that he had always been like this.
"You told the Chairman about your findings?"
"Yeah. But for a long time, Ingrid knew that I had an idea that she's got a secret. It's just that I wasn't particular about it. I actually baited that when I first asked to be engaged to you."
So, that's why she was so adamant about selling me off. She wanted to protect her secret.
"That's not exactly painting you in a better light, you know?"
"I know. But it's painting a real picture of me and what I've done. I'm asking for an apology, but that's bull if I couldn't even be upfront about what I did."
Nicholas looked calmer than usual, and I guess he managed to take some of that creepy aura he's had since before.