IT WAS a long day for Sohee.

Kim Heedo convinced him to get a general check-up, so he did. They waited for the result. And only then did his husband finally agree to let him go home.

Yeah, I'm being obedient to my husband since I fucked up.

Sohee didn't want to be called an adrenaline junkie anymore, so he was determined to listen to Kim Heedo until that brat stopped thinking that he was suicidal.

And I can't have a younger dude nagging at me at this age.

"Hyung, do you need help changing…"


It was Kim Heedo.

Sohee didn't actually close the door since he wanted the kid to see that he still could move on his own despite his injuries.

In fact, he had just finished taking off his buttoned shirt.

But Kim Heedo's timing was off.

"I'm fine," Sohee assured the kid while looking for new clothes in the walk-in closet. "The bruises only look bad, but they're not as painful as they look."