I NEVER thought my bed was small, not until now, at least.

That was Sohee's thought while cuddling with Kim Heedo.

This time, he was the "big spoon."

My arm is starting to feel numb, but it's okay.

Sohee let Kim Heedo use his arm as a pillow while his husband had his face buried against his neck— his arms wrapped around Sohee's waist tightly.

It was a comfortable position.

I don't care if my arm goes numb as long as I get to be this close to my husband— Heedo smells so good, especially his pheromones.

"And that's what happened."


Sohee snapped out of his idle thoughts after Kim Heedo finished his story.

His husband told him how he wrapped up the whole kidnapping-slash-Jin Taejoon case.

"So, Jin Taejoon is already in jail?"