At exactly 5 am, Mr Benson was ready to leave for the city. Mrs Benson accompanied her husband to the nearby park where he left. 

 After some couple of hours they informed he had arrived safely. Dorothy and Ben felt happy but lonely.. They tried to keep a cheerful face but it didn't work.. Their mum noticed and tried cheering them up. 

 "Come here my two cuties,, you know you don't have to be so sad right? Your dad and I want the best for you guys, so I want you to understand his decision. He's doing this for all of us, he's definitely going to make life better for us, so you don't have to be so sad okay ".

 " Mum, I know dad is doing this for us and I'm glad, but I just feel sad because we won't get to see him for a long time" Dorothy let out amidst tears.. She's always been a daddy's girl,, This was going to be hard for her..

 " Dora, you know you're no longer a little kid right? You should be strong. Dad isn't staying there forever silly..." Ben teased making Dorothy roll her eyes annoyingly at him.

 " It's okay you guys" their mum intervened. "Ben, you should be encouraging your little sister not teasing her okay? And you Dora swii,, please try to listen to your brother, your isn't staying there forever okay? I believe he'll still come back to us". They both nodded at their mum and smiled.

 One month passed, Mr Benson kept his promise. He sent his first salary to them. Although it wasn't much, Mrs Benson tried her best to economize.. She paid Dorothy's fees and some to Ben,, and so in addition to the money Ben had made from his Jobs, he was able to pay for his JAMB exam.. Mrs Benson used the rest of the money for food and some of the house bills.

 Ben was very excited that he could finally sit for his exams. Ben was a very cheerful guy, very cute and tall. Always smiling, even in difficult times and he always tried to make everyone around him smile. His relationship with his younger sister Dorothy was something to be admired, they loved each other so deeply and always shared in their sorrows and joy.

 Dorothy was a very shy girl and seldomly spoke. It was as if she would get charged for each word she spoke... At school, her friends always teased her, because she was very obedient to the order "don't make noise".

Though a shy and quiet girl, she was super smart and intelligent. Maybe that's why her teachers loved her so much. 

Her best friend was Erica, they were childhood friends. Dorothy and Erica finished from the same primary school and now schooling in the same high school. They looked so much alike that some people mistook them for twins,,, maybe this was because they shared so much in common and were always together in school.