The ape's punches were fierce with each blow threatning to dicapacitate Chen. He avoided each attack with ease. The onslaaught of attack kept going for about twenty seconds when eventually Chen moved forward. The speed at which he moved was uncalled for, he arrived in front of the ape. The ape, sensing danger swung its arms wide blocking his body from the attack that was to come but it never came. "I take.pride in my strength". Chen yelled as he was mid air, he grippef the ape's head firmly, smashing it deep into the ground. The ape's head bagan bleeding but Chen had no mercy. He smashed again, this time harder than the first. The ape twisted its arms wierdly and grabbed Chen's legs. Chen made use of his strength to shake the ape off and dealt the last blow with his twin blood dagger killimg it at the spot.The body of the ape slowly disappeared leaving two items behind. " Heh, it dropped an essence energy orb". Chen spoke aloud. "Heh, don't be so cocky, mine dropped an essence orb and hides that can be used to make good armour". Damian bragged with head held high. Chen gave out a depressing smile" But mine was stronger". "Dosen't matter". Damian retorted. " I've gotten stronger after the battle with the.four armed ape". Chen thought. "Level 5 huh, a level increase". Chen added thoughtfully. " Let's kill more, the highest kill gets to serve the other for a week and gets punished for disobedience". Damian said with a smirk on his face. "You're on". Chen agreed instantly as he too was having second thought of fighting more monsters. They both spent time inside the cave hunting and cleaving down four armed ape beasts. They ventured deeper into the cave killing apes as they went. **ROOAR** . The cry of an enraged ape was heard. " Whoa, never expected to meet the portal boss this early". Damian spoke. "'s strong, pretty strong". Chen warned. " Yh, i can tell". Damian replied. They both had serious looks on their faces and their aura surged. "Bring it on ". They both said in unison.
The ape before them had thicker, stronger and longer arms. Its fur was dark brown in colour and it had a horn poking out of its head. **ROOOAR**
The ape roared again beating its chest. It crutched down on all fours and the cave began to rumble, rocks hovering in the air." An earth elemental based monster". Damian said. "This is getting serious and exciting, a monster in the pinnacle of level nine basic realm with earth attributes". Chen said while licking his lips. " I'll sure level up a lot". He thought.