Both fighters clashed once again. Jerry punched Chen. Chen also reciprocated with a punch of his own. Both punches made contact with each other with no one taking the upper hand. Their strength were matched. They continously punched at each other while screaming. Chen had a smirk on his face and his eyes began to glow a faint red light. "This is fun, fun, fun". Chen screamed at the top of his lungs while punching repeatedly at Jerry. The impact of the repeated punching caused a massive crater underneath them and the shockwave affected the weaker ones in the crowd. The platform was in a mess. Both fighters kept on punching. Both fighters stopped their repeated punching for a moment swinging their fist backward in order to deliver the finishing blow to their opponent. " Arrgghh". They screamed at the top of their lungs and punched. The shockwave from this final punch was harsher than the former. It destroyed the platform completely, the weaker people in the crowd were thrown away and there was a dent in the ceiling. After the punch, both fighters stopd for a moment before a thud was heard. Jerry fell to the floor. He was worn out, his body riddled with punches and his clothes were torn. Chen was still standing strong, although his clothes were also torn. His eyes also gradually began to lose its red glow and fierceness."You were a worthy opponent". Chen praised Jerry. The crowd were in awe of the fight, a human realm bested a warrior realm, NO, the warrior realm opponent was not bested he was actually defeated. Chen smiled wholeheartedly. He had stepped into the warrior realm finally. Although it was harder to reach than the others, he was finally in the warrior realm. He levelled up during the fight. If he hadn't levelled up, he would have lost the