The minotaur stood few metres apart from Mr Ken. It stared fiercely at Mr Ken but did not nove an inch as it knew what its opponent was capable of doing. "This fight is dragging on, i wanted to severe your head but you sensed it and managed to avoid your head being severed. Even thouhh your hand has been severed, you are strong". Mr Ken commended the minotaur. The minotaur stared at Mr Ken wierdly. If it could tall it would definetly be thinking. " you are commending me?, what a joke". The minotaur covered its severed arm with lightning forming an arm made of lightning. Mr Ken took the initiative to attack. The minotaur as if reading Mr Ken's mind also moved. Both of them flashed across the portal, destroying it gradually. Anywhere they clash would be destroyed. Mr Ken gave the minotaur a devastating kick. The kick almost snapped the minotaur in two. It shot to the ground like a meteor.


The minotaur landed creating a large crater on the ground. Its lightning armour took the brunt of the attack and disappeared due to the force behind the kick. Mr Ken slowly landed, walking towards the minotaur. The minotaur stood up with a determined gaze. It clapped both arms together. Lightning meteor fell from the sky all aimed at Mr Ken. Two large lightning arrows appeared at both sides of the minotaur. "It had been charging this attack, it's clever for a monster". Mr Ken thought inwardly. He blinked continuosly avoiding the lightning meteor. Surprisingly, the lightning meteor all gathered at one point forming something without Mr Ken noticing. After the onslaught of the lightning meteor, Mr Ken kept walking towards the minotaur. Suddenly, strong arms made of lightning grabbed him rooting him in place. Turning around, he found the owner of the arms to be a minotaur made entirely of lightning, although it was smaller than the original. He turned his head forward. Two large lightning arrows were shot at him. The light of the arrows blinded him for a moment.


The reverberation of the minotaur's desperate attempt to get rid of Mr Ken resounded throughout the portal. The minotaur smiled, happy that it had defeated its opponent. It roared loudly. A light tap on the minotaur's shoulder " eh ehm". A voice spoke. The minotaur turned around in horror expecting that it wouldn't be who he expected but before it could turn completely its head was immediately severed. Its head fell to the floor and rolled towards the owner of the voice who was no other than Mr Ken. He stomped on the minotaur's head, splattering it. A round medium sized orb was left behind as the minotaur slowely disappiated accompanied by a green small orb. He left the portal and slowly the portal began to crumble as the portal boss bad been defeated. He was appreciated by the members of the phoenix robe guild. Their captain knelt down showing her gratitude accompanied by the vice captain. "This wasn't what i expected, it was too easy". Mr Ken thought inwardly. " Eh ehm, give me my pay". Mr Ken demanded. The caprain gave him a small bag filled with gold coins. He tool the bag of gold coins together with what dropped from the minotaur to the academy.