How it started.

Clair and her best friend Jeff were heading somewhere that night. The late night clock ticked as they walked. They walked into a dark alley with Jeff leading the way. Soon they got to a dead end. Clair looked at her friend confused. "Are you lost or something cause if you are, we can head back". Clair adviced her friend. Jeff strangely turned around. " i'm not lost, i'm here to deliver you to the Milfers gang". Jeff announced her mission there. Soon enough, members of the Milfer's gang came out from their hiding spot one by one. Their leader who was a bulky guy like. His size rivaled that of Jerry. "Heh hehe". Their leader gave out a sinister laugh. "James, what are you doing?". Clair asked in fear. " ha haha, haven't you figured it out, i want to eat you". James replied straightforward. "But, wh__at have i do__ne?". Clair asked stuttering as fear had consumed her. Her legs were trembling. " what about my pay?". Jeff, her friend asked interrupting their conversation. One of the members of the gang threw a small bag of gold coins to her. "That's five hundred gold coins". He added. She shook her head happily and was about to leave when Clair asked her a question. " why?, what have i done to deserve this?, my best friend betraying me". Jeff stopped in her tracks "blame yourself for being beautiful and your ego will be your downfall". Jeff answered before leaving. The leader signalled his team mate as soon as he left. The gang member left the scene following Jeff from behind. He injected something into her and let her body drop to the floor. " you dare take from the Milfer's gang". He said before heading back. A gang member held her still with roots he summoned. She kept on struggling but it was all in vain. The gang leader drew closer. She summoned a wall made of vines but it was melted instantly. "Don't struggle, dear or it will be more painful". The leader, James warned. She did the only thing she could do now which was screaming. James stood tall before her. He made a spark of flame on his index finger. Pointing the finger at her buttons, they were melted instantly revealing her in a singlet. He licked his lips lustfully. She screamed once more. " shut the fuck up". James thundered landing a resounding slap on her cheek. She gritted her teeths in pain. *Spat*. She suddenly spat on his face. *Whack*. Another slap connected with her cheek. He forcefully tore her singlet revealing her in only her bra. He traced lines on her torso with his fingers. "What thr hell do you think you are doing??". A voice thundered. James groaned in displeasure as he had to put his pleasure to an abrupt halt. He turned to face the owner of that nasty voice. Chubby, short black hair, dimples and a furious eyes. He was gorgeous. James immediately signalled his henchmen. One of them stepped forward. The boy had a smile on his face, obviously he was enjoying what was about to unfold. The gang member shot out wind blades at Damian aiming to severe his head from his body.