All the ants had already been eliminated by Mr Ken and the members of the phoenix robe guild. They all followed Chen as he led the way to the mysterious cave. They got to the cave and the cave seemed endless. Mr Ken took the lead this time, several brown coccons hung from the ceiling of the cave. "A natural phenomenon has occured". Mr Ken spoke, hint of excitement was visible as he spoke. " what's a natural phenomenon?". Chen asked. "A natural phenomenon occurs naturally due to the mana from the nearest dimensional creatures. Natural phenomenons are dangerous, really dangerous but holds powerful artifacts that can benefit humans". Mr Ken explained. " This time, the natural phenomenon occured due to the mana from those ant beasts, to the creatures of the fimensions, it can act as birthplaçe for their own kind and that was why that ant leader was heading here". Mr Ken added. "So what are we going to do about this natural phenomenon?". The captain of the phoenix robe guild asked. " i'll think about that when i get home". Mr Ken said. After checking out the natural phenomenon, they all went their seperate places. Chen went with Mr Ken and the captain of the phoenix robe also went their seperate ways. Chen and Mr Ken got to the academy, Mr Ken took Chen to the healer to the healed as he had been badly injured from the fight earlier. Chen was glad that Damian, his best friend was also recovering. The fight he had with the milfers gang took a toll on him and that skill he casted, "hell parade" dealt a lot on his body. Chen stayed two days in the healing ward before he was discharged. The next day, Damian was also discharged. As soon as Damian got discharged, Clair arrived at the healing ward. "Thank you for saving me that day, if you hadn't been there for me that day i don't know what would have become of me by now". Clair expressed her gratitude. " so how much will you take, name your price". Clair dropped the bomb. "Excuse me". Said Damian in confusion. " i mean how much should i offer you for risking your life for me that day?". Clair repeated. Damian's brows furrowed and it became evident that he was angry. "I didn't save you for the money, i just lent a helping hand, i might be poor but that doesn't mean that i have lost my morals". Damian spat then stormed out leaving the confused Clair. Chen also appeared greeting his best friend. They both hugged each other. " i'm sorry i wasn't there for you, Damian". Chen truly apologised. "No worries, Chen besides if you are always there for me then how the hell am i supposed to get stronger?". Damian asked. The answer he gave clearly. Chen nodded his head in agreement, he had also found what Damain meant to make sense.

The next day, in class

Mr Ken explained the meaning of dimensional birthplace or natural phenomenon. He also told them that the first year students would be in charge of exploring the dimensional birthplace. This news greatly shocked the first years, some where nervous, some where excited and others were scared. Mr Ken also gave an appointed date for the exploration which was in two days time as waiting longer would only trigger a much higher birth rate of the dimensional creatures. Very soon, two days passed by in a blink and it was finally the day of the exploration. All the first years gathered around a large area in the academy. The attendants taken showed that five hundred and two students would be exploring the dungeon. An announcer which was a middle aged man with a stern face. He was the class teacher of James's class. " this exploration would aid each and every one of your growth exponentially as special artifacts and phenomenons would be at your reach but i won't hide the fact that there would be cases of death". The middle aged man explained truthfully.