Chen had already figured out that he'ld need speed and agility to win this fight and not to talk of his punches that does nothing but throw the stone lion off balance. He was àlready behind the stone lion so he took off from the ground at an astonishing speed, folding a fist while midair, he punched the stone lion. The hit connected perfectly this time as bits of earth fell from the part that he had hit. The next thing that happened shocked him, he had thought that the hit connected with the lion's hard body unbeknowst to him that his fist had hit a shield set up by the stone lion so as soon as Chen delivered the punch, the stone lion attacked with both of its claws. Chen's body reacted slowly to the attack, he could see it coming but also couldn't move in time, the attack was damn fast. The stone lion claws felt nothing as Chen wasn't there, Luna had teleported him again using his spatial abilities. "Told you he was powerful". Luna reminded Chen. " then how powerful will the last boss be?". Chen asked Luna. " The last boss is Insanely powerful". Luna replied. This whole conversation took place in an instant through voice transmission into each other's head. Chen quickly thought of a strategy to defeat the lion. He closed the little distance between himself and the stone lion, the stone lion roared and several spikes erupted from the earth surface blocking Chen who did not stop moving forward, instead his speed increased. As he was about to hit the dangerous earth spike that had been set up by the stone lion, he suddenly disappeared appearing directly in front of the stone lion. He kicked its leg throwing it off balance, he followed the kick up with a strong punch at its abdomen creating a hole. The stone lion smashed into the ground creating a crater in the ground. Chen continually punched the stone lion gradually reducing it into dust. "Phew, it really was strong". Chen spoke. " no it wasn't really strong, you were the weak one" said Luna. Chen could do nothing but sigh in defeat. It was true, he really was the weak.

After few hours of resting

Chen went past the path filled with rocks and magma arriving at a new path. This path was filled thorns, flames, scorpions and many other deadly animals and weapons. Chen stared silently at this patg of agony and pain. "What are you waiting for, walk through it". Luna spoke with an excited voice. " walk through these?" Chen asked, stuttering in between. Luna nodded his head to the question. Chen took the first step into the path of agony, stepping on thorns. The pain quickly shot towards his brain cells, blood oozed out from thr sole of his feets but he persevered, gritting his teeth in between each step. After walking several metres deep, he stepped into another section filled with deadly scorpions. The scorpions were like a plague rushing towards him.