"This?" Chen asked feigning ignorance. "Do not joke with us boy, give us the artifact, that's no artifact" the one who spoke warned, he was a bald stout man with full beards."Then you got the wrong person" Chen casually replied as if the threats from the bald man didn't matter to him. The bald man, seeing Chen's indifferent attitude decided to confirm again, he brought out a paper and on it the image of Chen could be clearly seen. "I'll count to four" The bald man began his countdown. "What level are they?" Chen asked Luna through mind link. "The highest is a level three warrior realm expert which is obvioisly the baldie while the weakest is a level two warrior realm expert". Luna explained the situation to Chen. " Whoa this might be tough, i'm still at the peak of the human realm" Chen thought inwardly. He tossed the orb towards the assassins who caught it midair. This little encounter was enough for Chen to take off into the woods. The assassins noticed this and pursued him. Chen jumped from tree to tree waiting for that split second they would split apart but the baldie made it easier for him. "Split up, it'll be easier to find him" The baldie commanded. Chen almost lept for joy at that moment cause he knew that facing them while they were together would be suicidal. He went for the weakest one which was a level two warrior realm expert. Chen continued jumping from tree to tree, chasing the weakest one in the group.of assassins who had an average height, slim and had large ears. "Are all assassins wierd?" Luna asked aloud. The voice of Luna caught the attention of the assassin as he looked at the direction of the voice only to find their target, Chen. "Smart kid, you decided to give yourself up" The assassin spoke. "For an ugly assassin, you sure have a decent voice" Chen mocked. Chen's taunts got on the assassin's nerve. He instantly left his position appearing underneath the tree Chen was standing and with a large earth hammer, he smashed the tree, taking Chen by surprise. Chen quickly lept of from the tree to the ground. He stared keenly at the ugly assassin. "Although he's the weakest, he's still pretty strong for an assassin" chen thought inwardly in awe. His thoughts were interrupted by a large rock which he punched with his bare fist, shattering it into pieces. He had no time to react as the assassin kept on attacking non stop. "Does he have infinite mana?" Chen thought. The assassin's whole arm was coverec with layers of earth as he kept on punching and Chen also kept on intetcepting the repeated punches looking for an opening to strike back but the assassin was very versatile and left close to no opening. The assassin punched again but this time a large earth fist from above accompanied the punch. Chen punched at both attacks at once, shattering the fist that was airborne but the direct punch from the assassin sent him flying a large distance until he crashed into a tree. Chen coughed out blood, "damn, are assassins this strong?" Chen thought. He was at a loss for words. The assassin walked towards Chen. "Now who were you calling ugly?" The assassin asked, it was obvious that he was pissed. Chen took his stance ready to fight again.