chapter 12

Chapter 12:

There I was, floating on my back in the Hellsing mansion's pool, my bright red bikini clinging perfectly to every curve. I loved how it looked on me, showing off just enough to be a little scandalous. Hey, if you've got it, why not flaunt it, right? And let's be honest, I was totally rocking it.

It was one of those freakishly hot days in London, the kind that made you question reality. And, of course, the mansion's AC decided to go tits-up, leaving us to roast in the heat. 

I glanced over at Integra, lounging like a queen in her shaded chair by the pool, sipping her cold drink while Walter dutifully stood by with a pitcher, ready to refill at a moment's notice. 

"Ugh... it's so hot," Rose muttered as she drifted by, sprawled on her inflatable pool float, looking way too cute in her black one-piece. 

Tonks was busy swimming laps with this annoying energy that made the rest of us look like lazy slobs. Being a metamorphmagus and all, she didn't really need the exercise, but there she was, doing her best Olympic impression anyway.

Seras was sitting on the edge of the pool in her black bikini, legs dangling in the water. She was stacked, and that bikini was doing her all kinds of favors. I shamelessly checked her out, and I knew she was sneaking glances at me too, just doing it in that shy way of hers. It was almost adorable.

Alucard was stretched out on a lounge chair across from Integra, looking like he owned the damn place. Bellatrix hovered over him, practically tripping over herself to hand him his goblet of blood, complete with a long straw so he could sip it like it was a freaking smoothie. 

"Hey, Seras," I called, tilting my head and swimming over to the edge where she sat. "What's the hold-up? Are you coming in the water?"

She gave a nervous little smile, biting her lip. "I dunno, Valerie… something about it just feels… weird for some reason..." She looked down at the water in the pool and frowned.

"Hmm." I tilted my head. "Maybe it's a vampire thing? There are these legends about full vamps not being able to cross running water. Could be some weird instinct kicking in."

"You think so?" Seras asked. "I've never been afraid of water before."

I shrugged. "I mean, I'm only a half-blood, so I wouldn't know. Guess I'd have to ask him." I nodded over at Alucard, who was now watching us with an amused smirk, sipping his blood through that ridiculous straw. It looked like he got the thing out of a happy meal…

Ignoring him, I turned back to Seras, who was still sitting there with her legs dangling in the water. A devious idea popped into my head, and before I could think twice, I reached out, grabbed both of her legs, and yanked.

Seras let out an adorable yelp before she flopped straight into the pool. She didn't fall gracefully though, and ended up dragging me underwater with her. Chlorine water flooded my mouth, and I came up coughing, spitting it out, and grimacing. It tasted awful as a Dhampir, way worse than it had in my last life. But I was still laughing like a maniac as Seras finally surfaced, spluttering and looking at me with a mix of shock and indignation. 

"See? The water's fine," I said, grinning. I don't know why she was upset, I helped her get over her fear of water just now! She wiped some water from her face before giving me a look that screamed payback.

"Oh, I'll show you fine," Seras smirked. Before I could react, she lunged at me, hands on my shoulders, trying to dunk my head back under.

I fought back, thrashing and laughing, and then out of nowhere, Rose leapt off her floatie with an excited squeal, paddling over to us. "Get her!" she shouted, joining Seras's side.

"Oh, you traitor!" I laughed, twisting to dodge Rose's grab. But Seras and Rose were relentless. Rose hooked her arm around mine, holding on tight, while Seras grinned and pushed my shoulders down, dunking me under the water again.

I kicked back up, gasping, laughing so hard I could barely catch my breath. "You guys are so dead!" I lunged at Seras, grabbing her by the waist and trying to pull her under. She shrieked, splashing around, while Rose clung to my arm, laughing and trying to get me off Seras.

"You started it, Val!" Rose taunted, still holding onto me as if she could actually control this chaos.

"Oh, so you're all brave now, huh?" I shot back, splashing her straight in the face. She squealed, splashing me right back, and for a second, we were all just a tangle of limbs, laughter, and water flying everywhere.

"Just be careful not to hurt each other, you three," Integra called from her lounge chair, pausing for a second before shaking her head. "Eh, never mind..." She'd probably remembered that two of us could heal from almost anything, and I had my Healing Grail just in case.

I laughed, diving under to splash Seras and Rose with as much water as possible. It was chaos, pure and simple, and for once, I wasn't thinking about anything stressful. Just as I grabbed Seras to dunk her under, though, I heard my phone ringing from the poolside table.

"One sec, girls!" I called, swimming to the edge and hopping out, dripping water everywhere as I grabbed my towel to dry off my hand. The caller ID flashed Kuisha, and I frowned. Not that I wasn't happy to hear from her, but I wasn't expecting a call from the Devil bombshell anytime soon.

"Hey there, Kuisha," I said, pressing the phone to my ear with a smile. "What's going on?"

"Hello, Valerie," There was a slight edge in her tone.

I raised an eyebrow, my smile fading a bit. "What's up? This isn't just a friendly call, is it?"

"Unfortunately, no," Kuisha said with a sigh. "I wanted to give you a heads-up about something… important."

I shot a look over my shoulder, where Seras had climbed out of the pool, towel in hand, watching me with a curious look. She mouthed, "What's wrong?"

I held up a finger, mouthing back, "One second." Turning my attention back to the call, I lowered my voice. "Alright, Kuisha. Spill."

"A mission was recently posted in the Underworld," Kuisha began. "...and it has to do with… you."

"Wait, what??"

Kuisha started to explain. "Devil society is highly competitive, especially for younger Devils trying to prove themselves. You know, considering the older generation practically never dies of old age… They're always out to show they're worthy, whether it's by hunting down stray Devils or going on dangerous missions set up by the New Satan Government."

"Alright, I think I'm following," I said.

"Good," she said. "Now, here's the bad part. A mission was posted… at the request of Marius Tepes. He's offering a 10 million Lilium bounty for any Devil that can capture you specifically, Valerie. I know you told me you've got no connection to the Tepes clan, but…"

Marius Tepes… My piece of shit half brother. I don't know how much a Lilium is, but 10 Million sounds like a lot. How is he not broke after the Tepes Castle was burned to the ground? Vampire's didn't exactly trust banks, they tended to outlive the banks after all.

"Shit," I cursed out loud, earning a concerned look from Seras. "You're telling me I've got an army of Devils gunning for me now?"

"Not an army, no," Kuisha explained. "Fortunately, we managed to register you as one of Sairaorg's contractors at the last minute. Most Devils wouldn't dare cross him even for that kind of money."

I let out a breath, only a little relieved. "Well, that's… something I guess. But I take it from your tone, someone is still coming after me?"

"Yeah." Her voice softened, almost apologetic. "There's one Clan that doesn't care about upsetting Sairaorg or the Bael Clan. They're trying to climb up the ranks in the Underworld and see this as a chance to do so by getting in with the vampires. Fortunately, they're only sending a branch member and his peerage after you. The young Devil's name is Regis Phenex. He's registered as a High Class Devil since he's low nobility, but in terms of power he's Middle Class at best." Kuisha reassured me.

I hung up, thanking Kuisha for the heads-up. As soon as I did, I felt Integra's eyes on me from where she lounged by the pool. 

"So," she said, "care to explain?"

I sighed, running a hand through my wet hair. "Apparently, I've got some Devils hunting me. Marius Tepes, my piece of shit former half-brother, put a bounty out, and one particularly ambitious clan has sent someone named Regis Phenex and his peerage to collect."

Integra's eyebrow twitched, and she muttered, "You're as troublesome as Alucard, you know that?"

"I'd take that as a compliment if you didn't sound like you're on the verge of kicking me out of the house." I smirked, glancing at Alucard, who looked vaguely amused from across the pool. 

She rolled her eyes. "Don't flatter yourself."

"What should I do, though?" I asked, dropping the joking tone. "I mean, I don't want Devils popping up right outside the mansion, potentially injuring or killing our soldiers." They were here specifically for me after all.

Integra's face hardened. "Neither do I."

"I'll help you, Valerie!" Rose piped up from the water.

Integra shut her down with a single, stern look. "No. You're still in training, Rose Potter," she said. Rose pouted, sinking back into the water with a grumpy little huff.

Instead, Integra turned to me. "Seras and Nymphadora will be sticking with you until this is dealt with. Both of them are former police—they know how to track down targets and handle themselves in a fight."

I glanced at Tonks, who was stretching her arms by the edge of the pool, her hair shifting from pink to electric blue like it had a mind of its own. She gave me a determined grin and an enthusiastic thumbs-up. 

Seras smiled at me protectively as well. I could even see her bright blue eyes flickering a little bit red at the fact that I was being threatened. 

Integra's eyes narrowed. "If you can get them to back off without violence, fine. But if not…" She looked me dead in the eye. "Search and destroy."

I swallowed. "Got it."

I looked down at myself, I was still dripping wet in my bikini. I glanced longingly at the pool. This had been such a perfect, carefree moment, just goofing off with Rose and Seras, everyone jumping and rubbing all over me in the water. I'd barely had a chance to relax like this… and now some over-eager Devils had to show up and ruin the fun…

"Guess I should go get dressed," I muttered reluctantly, wringing out my hair. 

Tonks laughed, already climbing out of the pool. "Aww, don't look so down. We'll go kick some Devil ass, and you'll be back in the bikini so that Rose can be groping you again in the water before you know it." 

"Tonks!" Rose whined with pink cheeks.

I headed back to my room to get changed and found Narcissa inside, fussing with my sheets and sorting my laundry. She looked up when I walked in, her face softening with a small smile.

"Hey, how come you weren't out at the pool?" I asked, kicking my wet flip-flops off by the door.

She shrugged. "I'm still a bit… unnerved by Bellatrix." She paused, wrinkling her nose. "Seeing her mostly sane and… fawning over Alucard."

"Well, I'd have liked to see you out there in a swimsuit."

She let out a soft laugh, her smile widening. "Aren't you sweet," she said, watching as I started peeling off my wet bikini right in the middle of the room.

"Oh?" She tilted her head, her eyes roaming over me. She licked her lips. "Are you taking me up on my offer?"

I felt a rush of heat on my face, actually blushing. I'd gotten used to stripping in front of Seras, who always got flustered in this adorable way, but I had to remember that Narcissa was… different. Older, more confident. Witches didn't age like muggles did, and Narcissa barely looked a day over thirty.

Trying to keep my cool, I pulled on a pair of black pants and a black shirt, tugging my signature red jacket on over it. "Rain check, Narcissa," I told her with a grin. "I've got a Devil to hunt down before he hunts me down first."

Narcissa sighed, shaking her head. "Your life is certainly… interesting, Mistress."

I paused, catching her eye. "Do you hate it?" I asked. "Hate being a servant now?"

She shook her head, surprising me with a soft smile. "Surprisingly, I don't." She folded her arms, thinking. "After marrying Lucius and having Draco, I spent years just… sitting around the mansion, being waited on by house-elves, hosting tea parties with other noble ladies in the exact same situation. It all felt so… empty."

"Sounds lonely," I said as I finished getting dressed, slipping my blood bracelet on my left wrist and holstering my revolver under my jacket.

Narcissa nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. "It was… lonely."

I looked at her, blunt as ever. "Do you want a hug?"

Narcissa let out this cute little yelp when I hopped forward and wrapped her in a tight hug. It took her a second, but she finally hugged me back, murmuring a soft, "Thank you, Valerie. You're so sweet."

"You smell really nice," I said without thinking, then immediately regretted it when I realized I'd actually said it out loud.

She let go, chuckling, her eyes glinting with amusement. "Thank you, Valerie. Women in the Black family go through numerous beauty rituals. We always look and smell fantastic—there's a reason we were the most desirable women in the wizarding world." She fluttered her eyelashes at me, giving me this playful look.

"Er—good to know," I mumbled, coughing. Damn, I'd been really horny lately. Focus, Valerie, I told myself, snapping back to the mission.

"I'll see you later, Narcissa," I said, forcing myself to turn toward the door.

"Goodbye, Mistress." She smirked, eyes glinting. "My offer's always open if you want someone to teach you how to please a woman. Wouldn't want to disappoint that blonde vampire, would you?"

My cheeks went red as I muttered, "I'll… think about it." Then I left, feeling my face heat up as I walked down the hall. Great, just what I needed—more fuel for my already crowded head.

Half an hour later, I met up with Seras and Tonks in front of the mansion. We piled into a Hellsing limo, and as we settled in, the driver started up, heading into London.

We walked through the crowded London streets, blending in as best as three supernatural women could. The city was massive, and even though I loved London, right now, it felt more like a maze I had to solve. 

"Okay, so how the hell are we going to track down this Regis Phenex and his gang?" I asked, glancing over at Seras and Tonks.

Seras tilted her head, looking thoughtful. "I still have a few contacts in the police force. I could check in and see if they've had any reports of, I don't know, strange sightings or disturbances." 

Having an in with the local police was going to be helpful. Seras knew from experience that the police tended not to call Hellsing in until things usually completely spiraled out of control.

"I've got a few connections left in the magical government. You know, people who owe me favors or just can't keep their mouths shut. I might be able to squeeze some info out of them, like if any odd magical signatures have been detected," Tonks explained.

I raised an eyebrow, impressed. "Look at you two, all resourceful. Alright, let's put those contacts to work. Seras, you hit up your police buddies, and Tonks, see what you can dig up from the Ministry."

The driver pulled the limo over at a park, giving Tonks and Seras a place to make their calls. As they walked off, chatting quietly on their phones, I stayed by the limo, wondering what else I could do to track down these Devils. With everyone throwing out ideas, I wanted to try something of my own.

I pressed a hand to my chest, calling upon the Resurrection Grail. I stared into the silvery waters in the cup. The only person I'd ever called with it was Rowena, but maybe someone else could help. I focused, and the water in the Grail shimmered and brightened for a moment. Slowly, the face of a man I'd never seen before appeared in the water. He had long black hair, a neatly trimmed beard, and eyes as dark as night. 

He looked intense, like he was sizing me up. "Well now, this is certainly unusual," he said, his voice smooth and deep, a chuckle rumbling through it. "I never thought my eternal damnation would be interrupted by a beautiful vampire, of all things. You're a sight for sore eyes, lovely."

I blinked, surprised at his boldness. "Who are you?" I asked, trying to sound as unfazed as possible.

The man just smirked, giving me a look like he was sizing me up. "Now that would be telling, wouldn't it?" he replied, clearly enjoying himself. "I don't know how you managed to call on me, but you should be careful, beautiful. Lady Death doesn't take kindly to those who meddle with the balance."

I tilted my head, taken aback. "Lady Death? Death is a woman?"

The man's gaze grew a bit more serious. "An incredibly beautiful and terrifying woman," he said, his eyes intense. "She is not to be trifled with, believe me…"

I felt a chill, but I nodded. This guy mentioned eternal damnation, and that didn't sound like a place I wanted to explore any time soon. There were a million questions I could ask, but for now, I focused on why I'd summoned him in the first place. The Grail felt like it was burning through its magic faster than it did when I called Rowena. That couldn't be good.

"I called on you because I'm being hunted by a Devil, and I want to hunt them down first. I have no idea how to track them, though."

The man's eyes lit up, a glint of interest sparking in them. "Ah, then you've called upon just the man." He gave a small, theatrical bow. "My name is Solomon, beautiful vampire. Might I have your lovely name?"

I laughed a little, finding his dramatics kind of charming. "I'm Valerie Tepes, the owner of the Holy Grail that called you. And I'm a Dhampir, not a full vampire." I paused, narrowing my eyes slightly. "Are you really Solomon? The one who bound the 72 pillar clans of Hell to his command?"

He grinned, clearly pleased by my question. "So my legend still persists in the world? Excellent!" he declared proudly. "I am indeed that Solomon. Although, to be precise, it wasn't the clans I bound, but rather a single Devil from each clan."

I still thought that was pretty impressive. Just the thought of him binding powerful Devils to his will made me feel a bit more hopeful that he could help.

"So… what Devil is after you?" he asked.

"His name's Regis Phenex," I replied. "Him and his peerage, apparently."

He nodded, understanding. "Ah, the Phenex clan. They were always the most hot-headed. Be careful with them, or you'll get burned. But as for how to track him…" He paused, eyes gleaming with a hint of excitement. "I do have a ritual that's not too difficult to perform. You may be interested in it…"

Seras and Tonks returned to the limo, both looking pretty let down. I knew right away that whatever they'd dug up, it wasn't going to help.

Tonks crossed her arms, frowning. "My contact had nothing. They haven't detected any unusual magic in the city."

Seras shook her head, adding, "Same with mine in the police force. No strange reports, no sightings… nada."

I gave them both a reassuring smile. "It's fine. I've got a method that'll work. Only thing I need is some phoenix ashes."

Tonks raised an eyebrow. "Phoenix ashes? Valerie, those are… incredibly rare. The only phoenix I ever even heard about was Dumbledore's, but he's dead."

"Right," I said, nodding. "But if he had one, maybe there's some ashes left behind."

Tonks thought about it, then gave a slow nod. "He did keep Fawkes in his office for years… There's a good chance there might still be some phoenix ashes there."

My eyes lit up. "So there's probably some sitting right there in his office!"

"Maybe," Tonks replied. "Professor McGonagall might let us check, especially since term hasn't started yet. The castle should be pretty empty."

Seras raised a hand, looking skeptical. "How far away is Hogwarts?"

Tonks grimaced, scratching her head. "Er—it's in Scotland."

Both Seras and I frowned at that.

"That's going to be a really long drive," Seras pointed out, crossing her arms.

Tonks grinned. "No worries. I can apparate us to Hogsmeade. I've got enough magic to take two people at once."

I felt a spark of excitement. "I've always wanted to learn how to apparate." Rowena didn't know about apparition, since it hadn't been invented when she was still around.

We hopped out of the limo and headed back into the park, looking around for a good spot where no one would see us disappear. As we walked, Tonks glanced at me, a smirk forming on her face.

"So, uh… sorry if Rose's forwardness caught you off guard. I heard she confessed to you. Kind of suddenly, from what I gather. She said you didn't turn her down completely though."

I laughed at that. "I'm not quite ready for a committed relationship. I just want to have some fun for a while," I said, my eyes flickering to Seras.

Seras cleared her throat. "Is now really the time to talk about Valerie's love life?" I caught a tiny hint of jealousy in her voice, which made me smirk. Without thinking, I reached out and took her hand, giving her a reassuring smile.

"I don't see why not," Tonks said with a laugh, leading the way. She shot me a teasing grin. "I mean, I'm rooming with the 'Girl Who Lived,' who also happens to be completely smitten with you, Valerie. You should take her out sometime soon, you know." She chuckled, giving me this mischievous look. "You're being kinda cruel, playing with the hearts of two maidens at once."

Seras sputtered, her cheeks turning red, and she glared at Tonks, squeezing my hand tighter. "It's not like that…"

Technically, it was three hearts—if you counted Narcissa. Although, she wasn't exactly a maiden… Still, I chose to keep that to myself. I knew Tonks had issues with both of her aunts, considering how they treated her mom. Better to avoid stirring that pot.

We reached the large tree, and Tonks turned, grabbing both me and Seras by the hand. "Alright, hold on tight," she warned, grinning. I barely had time to grip her hand before I felt a wrenching, twisting sensation like I was being shoved through a narrow tube at full speed.

It was not pleasant.

When we finally landed, I stumbled, feeling like I was about to throw up. The world spun for a second before I caught my breath. "Ugh… that was awful," I muttered, letting go of Tonks's hand and trying to steady myself.

Seras was clinging to my arm, looking just as queasy. "How do people do that regularly?" she asked, her voice weak.

Tonks laughed, looking far too pleased with herself. "You get used to it, believe it or not." She winked at us. "Welcome to Hogsmeade, ladies."

Unlike Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade wasn't a complete shit hole. Quaint stone buildings lined the streets, and the whole place felt like something out of an old storybook. I found myself wondering why I hadn't just come here for my introduction to the magical world. Wizards and witches walked around, looking a little on edge, probably because of the Dark Lord hanging over their heads like a storm cloud.

Tonks turned to us, hands on her hips. "So, straight to the castle or grab a drink first?"

Seras looked confused. "Why didn't you just apparate us to Hogwarts?"

Tonks rolled her eyes, smirking. "The castle's warded against that. No apparating straight in. Gotta walk from here."

I groaned, wiping a bit of sweat off my forehead. "If it's gonna be a long walk, let's get some drinks first. Scotland's just as hot as London, and cooling charms last, what, a minute tops?"

Tonks grinned, leading us down the street. "Alright, let's hit up the Three Broomsticks. But Valerie, try not to steal Madam Rosmerta's heart too, alright? She's the heart of this town."

I rolled my eyes, giving her a playful shove. "Oh, please. I'm not that bad."

Tonks laughed, nudging me back. "Sure, tell that to Rose and Seras here."

Seras just looked away, her cheeks turning pink, pretending not to hear us. We reached the Three Broomsticks and pushed open the door, stepping into the cooler, dimly lit pub. It was quieter than I expected, but then again, it was the middle of the day.

I finally understood why Tonks warned me about Rosmerta. The woman was a total capital M MILF—blonde, busty, and with a cleavage line so deep it was practically an invitation. I figured she must rake in serious tips. Tonks ordered three drinks called Butterbeer, whatever those were supposed to be. 

As we waited, Seras leaned over, curiosity written all over her face. "So… what exactly do you need the phoenix ash for?"

"It's for a ritual. It'll summon the nearest member of the Phenex clan to a location I pick. Saves us the trouble of hunting the bastard down," I explained.

Tonks grinned, giving me a nod of approval. "Nice one. We can ambush him before he even knows what hit him."

Rosmerta returned, placing three huge mugs on the table. The Butterbeer was sweet and thick, almost like drinking caramel. It wasn't bad, though it was no replacement for a nice, warm cup of blood—which I doubted Rosmerta would have on tap.

Just as I was settling in and actually enjoying the drink, the doors to the bar swung open, and in stormed what looked like an entire clan of people with bright red hair and freckles. There were at least half a dozen of them, all practically tumbling over each other to get inside, led by a woman who had "Mom" written all over her. Most of the "kids" were probably young adults, but she herded them like cats, herding them with a fierce look that warned them not to mess around.

I chuckled, trying to ignore them, figuring this scene had nothing to do with us. I was about to turn back to my drink when the woman suddenly spotted us and called out, loud enough for the whole bar to hear.


Tonks closed her eyes and muttered, "Shit… It's the Weasleys. Ugh, I really don't want to deal with them right now..."

I glanced at Seras, and she looked just as confused as me as the woman stormed over towards us.


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