In the vast and boundless fantasy world, there is a young man named Yun Che, who has lived in a remote village since childhood and his life story is a mystery. One day, a strange phenomenon suddenly appeared in the world, and Yun Che awakened a shocking ability - the ancient holy body of the sign-in system!
This ancient holy body is the supreme physique left by the ancient gods. The owner can devour the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and condense the supreme divine power. With this physique, Yun Che's cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds. It only took a few months from obscurity to shocking the world.
However, with the growth of power, Yun Che has gradually been involved in disputes and conspiracies on the continent. Major forces coveted his ancient holy body and rushed to snatch it. In the face of numerous crises, Yun Che was indomitable. With the help of the mysterious treasures obtained by the sign-in system, he overcame all obstacles and embarked on the road of strength.
During this journey full of adventures and challenges, Yun Che met a group of like-minded partners, and together they explored the true secrets of the ancient holy body and the shocking mystery hidden deep in the continent. Through thrilling battles and breakthroughs on the brink of life and death, Yun Che will eventually stand at the top of the world and write his own legendary chapter!
Bad translation man. Please correct the issues and update the chapters if possible.