Chapter 460: The House-Elf in the Top Box

Naturally, Professor McGonagall and the other professors wouldn't take the students' goods for free, even though Kyle and the others insisted it was fine. Wanting to support their students, each of the professors ended up buying around 20 Galleons' worth of items, filling their arms with festive hats, hairpins, badges, and flags. If they'd had more hands, they might've bought even more. They seemed determined to spend generously, whether or not they needed the items.

After saying their goodbyes to the professors, the group continued through the campsite, passing by a particularly extravagant tent that looked more like a miniature palace with its garden and corner towers.

"So extravagant…" Fred muttered. "This has got to be the biggest tent in the entire camp."

The tent bore no team logos, leaving them wondering who might own it.

As the afternoon wore on, excitement in the camp grew to a fever pitch, filling the air like an electric charge. As dusk fell, more vendors appeared, Apparating into the busiest spots to hawk their goods. Fortunately, Kyle and the others had already packed away their cart, with only a few leftover fireworks and flags they planned to keep for themselves.

Winding through the increasingly crowded and lively campsite, they made their way back to the Weasley tent. Mr. Weasley was already in full festive attire, holding a flag and wearing the items he'd bought earlier. The others were similarly decked out, making it clear which teams they were supporting.

"Thank goodness—I was about to come looking for you," Mr. Weasley said to Fred and George. "The match is about to start, so don't go wandering off now."

Just then, a deep, resonant sound of gongs echoed from the trees, and thousands of red and green lanterns bloomed, lighting the pathway to the stadium.

"Time to go in!" Mr. Weasley said excitedly. "Hurry along, everyone."

Leading the way, he set off along the lantern-lit path, with the others following quickly. Around them, thousands of people were making their way through the trees, filling the air with laughter, singing, and excited chatter. The buzz of anticipation was palpable.

After about twenty minutes, they emerged from the forest to face a massive stadium. Kyle could only see part of its golden wall, which shimmered in the twilight, giving it a grand, almost magical aura. It felt big enough to hold ten Hogwarts castles.

"It can seat 100,000 spectators," Mr. Weasley explained with a proud smile as he led them toward the nearest entrance. "Took five hundred Ministry staff an entire year to put it together."

The entrance was crowded with wizards, and they had to wait in line for about ten minutes before their turn finally came.

"First-class tickets," said the Ministry witch at the entrance, glancing at their tickets. "Top Box, all the way up, Arthur, to the very top."

"Thanks, Ava," said Mr. Weasley, as he led the group up the stairs, which were lined with a plush fuchsia carpet. "Stay close together, and don't fall behind. Bill, you're at the back."

"Yes, Dad," Bill replied, moving to the rear of the group as they ascended the stairs. It felt almost like climbing Stoatshead Hill all over again. At last, they reached the top.

They found themselves facing three boxes, and Mr. Weasley, after a quick inspection, led them into the middle one. Inside, they saw about twenty purple-gilded seats arranged in two rows, all facing the golden Goalposts. The group headed to the front rail, from where they could overlook the entire stadium.

The first thing that caught their eye was a massive painted board flashing golden advertisements: Bluebottle—Broomsticks for all the family… Elegant witching wear, London, Paris, Hogsmeade…

"One day, there'll be an ad for Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes here, too," Fred said.

"It'd cost a few thousand Galleons at least—maybe even tens of thousands," Kyle replied.

"That much?" George was wide-eyed with surprise. Mr. Weasley laughed, adding, "This is the most popular event in the wizarding world, George. You won't see so many wizards in one place anywhere else."

George frowned. "But aren't people here to watch Quidditch? Who's going to pay attention to the ads?"

"Exactly," Fred said, nodding seriously. "I think a bit of promotion in Hogsmeade will do just fine."

Turning his gaze from the view, Fred noticed Kyle wasn't looking outside at all. Instead, he seemed to be staring at a specific seat. "What are you looking at?"

Fred followed Kyle's gaze and noticed a House-elf sitting in the penultimate seat of the second row. At first, he thought it was Kreacher, but quickly realized this elf was younger.

"Dobby?" Harry blurted out, recognizing the elf's appearance.

"Did you call me Dobby, sir?" The House-elf looked up, her squeaky voice tinged with surprise.

"Sorry," Harry apologized. "I thought you were someone I knew."

"But I know Dobby too, sir," the House-elf replied in her high-pitched voice.

Just then, the compartment door opened, and two Aurors entered.

"Ah, Kingsley! Beaufort!" Mr. Weasley exclaimed, walking over to greet them. "Here for the game too?"

"No, Arthur, we can't stay to watch," one of the Aurors replied, shaking his head. "We're just here to say hello. We're lucky to have gotten such good tickets, though."

"Thanks to Ludo," Mr. Weasley said, smiling.

As Mr. Weasley spoke to the Aurors, Kyle subtly moved closer to the House-elf. She was still speaking with Harry about Dobby when Kyle appeared beside her, making as if he intended to sit in the empty seat next to her.

"No! That's Winky's seat for her master!" she squeaked in alarm.

Kyle sat down anyway, triggering a loud, piercing shriek from Winky that rang in everyone's ears.

The noise instantly caught everyone's attention. Mr. Weasley turned and said, "Kyle, you're in the wrong row. Our seats are in the front."

"Ah, sorry," Kyle replied, standing up and brushing off his robes. As he passed Winky, he accidentally nudged the chair across the narrow aisle, causing it to wobble dangerously.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to," he said, steadying the chair and giving it a light pat.

Winky glared at him, her eyes bulging, but thankfully, the incident seemed to go unnoticed by most. After exchanging a few more words with Mr. Weasley, the Aurors soon left.

Kanna, noticing, asked Kyle, "Is your foot all right?"

"It's fine," Kyle replied, giving her a reassuring smile. Then, with a last glance at Winky, he returned to his seat in the front row, ready for the match to begin.