"They can't do this!" Ron grumbled as they made their way to the doors after the feast. "I'll be fifteen in March—why can't I give it a go?"
"Yeah…" Harry added wistfully. He'd love the chance to compete too, but his birthday was in July, even later than Ron's.
Hermione, on the other hand, kept her head down, saying nothing.
"There's nothing you can do, Ron," said Fred, appearing suddenly behind them with a wide grin. "It's a rule set by the school and the Ministry, and you've got to follow it."
"Yep, be a good spectator," said George, popping up on the other side. "Just remember to cheer us on."
"Huh!" Ron scoffed, rolling his eyes. Fred and George claiming they had to obey rules was the funniest thing he'd heard all year.
"Why are you two allowed to sign up?" Ron asked sourly.
Fred gave him an incredulous look. "I always thought you were slow, but I didn't know you were this thick. We're allowed to sign up because we're old enough!"
"Sixteen, which is a year older than the minimum," George added. "You haven't forgotten our ages, have you? That'd just break our hearts."
"I haven't forgotten," Ron snapped. "I just don't think it's fair… That's a thousand Galleons!"
"You'd still have to win first," Fred pointed out. "Got any O's in Transfiguration or Charms?"
Ron's cheeks turned a bit pink, but he jutted his chin out stubbornly. "The Triwizard Tournament isn't an exam, it's not about grades. Maybe I could just win by luck."
George let out a loud laugh. "Oh, if only! But sadly, you're too young for that stroke of luck, Mr. Future Champion."
Fred and George left him behind, chatting loudly about how they'd be the first to sign up.
Ron, meanwhile, continued to sulk, muttering that it was unfair and that everyone should be allowed to participate.
"But you heard Dumbledore say that a lot of people have died in the Tournament," Hermione whispered as they stepped outside the foyer. "That's why it was suspended for a century."
"Yeah, yeah," Ron replied dismissively, "but that was ages ago, right? And Dumbledore also said they'd worked hard to make sure no one's life would be at risk this time. So if it's safe for fifteen-year-olds, then why not us?"
Hermione, surprisingly, didn't argue. She remained silent, her head down as she continued to think, clearly preoccupied with something else entirely.
Hermione suddenly heard laughter coming from the Hufflepuff group nearby. Mikel was waving his hands animatedly. "Who do you think will be Hogwarts' champion? Kyle or Cedric?"
"It'll be Kyle—he's practically filled the Trophy Room with Special Awards for Services to the School!" someone chimed in.
"No, it's got to be Cedric," a sixth-year shook his head. "He's in his sixth year, so he's got the age advantage."
"But Kyle has an Order of Merlin, Second Class…" another voice pointed out.
"Hoho…" A different voice cut through their conversation with a mocking tone.
"I think the Hogwarts champion should come from Ravenclaw, of course," said Roger Davies, stepping forward with a smirk. "After all, we're the smartest students at Hogwarts, not you… mediocre Hufflepuffs."
The lively discussion came to an abrupt halt, as if someone had doused it with cold water. While people once thought Hufflepuff represented mediocrity, the house's recent winning streak in the Quidditch Cup and House Cup had mostly put that stereotype to rest. Few voiced such opinions openly anymore, though some might still think it privately.
Mikel looked at Davies with a raised eyebrow. "Oh, I thought it was someone else. Isn't this Davies…"
He shrugged and added, "I won't deny that most Ravenclaws are intelligent, but I just have one question for you… Have any of you ranked first in your year for five consecutive years, like Cedric? Or scored full marks and won three Special Awards for Services to the School… No? Just one would do."
At this, laughter rippled through the crowd, and Roger Davies' face turned red. "Well… Rob was top of his year in seventh year!"
A few nearby Ravenclaws nodded in agreement, backing him up, suggesting that Rob would be a better choice for the Hogwarts champion.
They were clearly eager to see a Ravenclaw in the spotlight, viewing the Triwizard Tournament as an opportunity to finally best the Hufflepuffs. If Rob could secure the position and stand out as Hogwarts' champion, it would prove to them that Ravenclaw was superior.
"Oh, I thought you were going to say yourself, Davies. You're over fifteen, aren't you?" Ryan laughed. "Come on, don't deny it—you want to be a champion too. Unfortunately, maybe if you'd won the Quidditch Cup even once, you'd have something to show by now."
Davies, speechless and even redder in the face, looked as though he wanted to retort but couldn't find the words. Finally, he spat out, "We'll see who becomes champion in the end!" before spinning around and storming up the stairs. In his hurry, though, he forgot about a tricky step halfway up and tripped, sinking right into it.
Laughter erupted again around him, even from the nearby armor, which clanked and creaked as if it, too, found the scene hilarious.
"Shut up!" hissed a few Ravenclaw students, who rushed forward to pull Davies out and usher him quickly up the stairs.
Meanwhile, in the Hufflepuff common room, Kyle, who had escorted the first-years back early, was still pondering why the age requirement for the Triwizard Tournament had been lowered so significantly. It took Cedric calling his name three times to snap him out of his thoughts.
"Sorry," Kyle said, turning to the freshmen and instructing them to head to their dormitories on their own. Then he looked back at Cedric. "I was a bit distracted—what did you say?"
"I asked if you're planning to enter the Triwizard Tournament," Cedric repeated.
"Oh, definitely," Kyle replied. Even though he couldn't quite figure out the reason behind the age change, he saw no reason to pass up such an opportunity—especially given something else in the tournament that intrigued him.
He glanced over at Cedric. "You're entering too, I take it?"
"Of course," Cedric said, grinning. "I feel like I stand a good chance. Honestly, it's a bit mean to say, but I don't think I have that much competition. Ravenclaw's Rob, you, Kanna, Cho… and that's about it."
Kyle smirked. "Fred and George won't be too pleased if they hear you're not counting them as competitors."
"Oh, I haven't forgotten them," Cedric replied, trying to hold back a laugh. "But, well… it's hard to picture the Hogwarts champion setting off Dungbombs during the Triwizard Tournament."
"That would be quite a sight," Kyle chuckled. "And I don't think Professor McGonagall would survive the shock."