A History of Magic was the last class of the afternoon, and with the promise of an early dismissal, everyone was out of their seats the moment the bell rang, eager to escape the monotony of the lesson.
Kyle and Kanna made their way back to the Hufflepuff Common Room, where they donned their formal cloaks—the same ones they typically wore only for the Christmas feast. Once ready, they joined the other students gathering in the entrance hall.
Professor Sprout was waiting in front of the Great Hall, arranging the students in a line by year, with the first years at the front. Next to her stood Professor McGonagall, who was inspecting everyone's attire with her usual sharp eye.
"Weasley, straighten your hat…"
"Finnigan, button up your cloak…"
"Patil, take that ridiculous thing off your head!"
Once all the students had gathered, Professor McGonagall glanced at her watch before leading them out of the castle and to the front entrance. The moon hung high over the Forbidden Forest, casting a silver glow, and many younger students stood there shivering, unsure if it was from excitement or the brisk evening air. Out of the professors' sight, whispers broke out among the crowd as students speculated about how the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students might arrive.
"I'm betting on Apparition," Fred whispered. "Just picture it—a whole group of them popping into the school grounds in an instant. It would be brilliant."
"I doubt it," Cedric replied, shaking his head. "Apparition is forbidden at Hogwarts. And they can't just stroll through the front gate, either. I think they'll arrive on broomsticks. Remember, Viktor Krum from Durmstrang is a Quidditch star. Flying in on a broom would be perfect for his image."
"Do you know how far Durmstrang is from here?" George replied dramatically. "Only a fool would ride a broom that far… I'm sticking with Apparition. Maybe Dumbledore's lifted the restriction just for tonight."
George's voice had risen slightly, drawing a sharp look from Professor McGonagall, and he quickly fell silent.
"If I'm not mistaken…" Dumbledore, standing nearby, exclaimed just then, "the representatives from Beauxbatons have arrived!"
Kyle looked up and spotted a massive, powder-blue carriage gliding above the Forbidden Forest. It was impossibly large—like a small house—and was drawn through the sky by a team of twelve enormous, winged Abraxans. Unlike Hogwarts' Thestrals, the Abraxans looked like towering silver stallions, their size more akin to elephants.
With a thundering crash, the carriage landed. Up close, the Abraxans appeared even more immense; the first rows of students barely came up to the horses' knees. Then, the carriage door swung open, and a boy in a pale blue uniform hopped out, unfolding a golden spiral staircase beneath the door.
A glossy black high-heeled shoe appeared at the top of the steps, and Cedric gasped. "Oh… By Merlin!" He finally understood what Kyle had meant.
Madam Maxime, the headmistress of Beauxbatons, descended from the carriage, towering at an astonishing height of about three or four meters—one of the few people at Hogwarts who could match Hagrid's stature. Dumbledore began to applaud, and the students quickly joined in, though some couldn't help staring in awe.
People exchanged glances, wondering if Beauxbatons was filled with similarly massive students. How would Hogwarts fare in a competition with opponents towering two or three meters high?
To everyone's relief, none of the students who emerged from the carriage matched Madam Maxime's size. As they exited, one student wrapped in a scarf scanned the Hogwarts students gathered near the castle entrance, as though searching for someone. Spotting Kyle, she broke into a wide smile and waved excitedly. Kyle waved back, though surrounded by students in the back rows, he could only raise his arm as a greeting.
"You know her?" Kanna blinked in surprise.
"Mm," Kyle nodded. "Remember that friend I told you about from France?"
Kanna thought for a moment. "The one who sent you those French chocolates?"
"Yes, that's her—Fleur Delacour," Kyle said. "We met at Nicolas Flamel's house. Madam Maxime hinted back then that Fleur might attend the Triwizard Tournament."
Kanna tried to get a better look, but by now, the Beauxbatons students had gathered around Madam Maxime, blocking her view.
"Look, over at the Black Lake…" someone suddenly called out, just as the two headmasters were exchanging greetings.
Everyone's gaze shifted to the lake, where the calm surface suddenly erupted with a huge splash.
"Something's coming out of it!" George muttered, eyes wide.
"Looks like Karkaroff's here, too," Dumbledore observed with a smile. "Just in time."
Madam Maxime gave a nod. She had been about to lead her students to the castle to warm up, but with Durmstrang's arrival, she held off.
From the lake, a black mast rose, followed by the outline of a majestic ship breaking through the water's surface. It looked weathered and spectral, as if it had recently been hauled up from the depths of a shipwreck—almost like a legendary ghost ship. Yet, it exuded a captivating charm, and Fred and George were transfixed.
"It's incredible," Fred whispered to George. "What do you think about designing the Weasley Joke Shop to look like a ghost ship?"
"Ha! I was thinking the same thing," George replied with a grin.
"Oh... look over there!" someone shouted, and the crowd stirred with even more excitement.
"By Merlin's beard, it's Krum!" someone exclaimed eagerly.
As the most famous Quidditch player of his time, Viktor Krum had countless admirers among the students, and he was instantly recognized the moment he stepped off the ship. All eyes turned to him, and in the commotion, no one seemed to notice the figure leading the way.
Karkaroff, the headmaster of Durmstrang, was tall and thin, with cropped white hair and a pointed goatee that gave him a shrewd look.
"Welcome, Headmaster Karkaroff," Dumbledore greeted him warmly, stepping forward.
"Dumbledore!" Karkaroff exclaimed, throwing his arms open for an embrace. "My dear old friend, how are you?"
"Excellent," Dumbledore replied, hugging him back.
Karkaroff then turned to Madam Maxime, offering her a gallant kiss on the hand.
The three headmasters shared a lively conversation for a few moments before Dumbledore led them—and the assembled students—into the castle.