Chapter 506: Rita Skeeter

The events in the Great Hall at noon spread like wildfire throughout Hogwarts.

Every Gryffindor student buzzed with excitement, thrilled that the castle finally seemed to have someone capable of intimidating Snape. Even Professor McGonagall couldn't make Snape deduct points from his own house voluntarily—and without so much as a word of protest.

Professor Alastor Moody's fame among the Gryffindors skyrocketed, and soon, multiple exaggerated versions of the Weasley twins' exploits were circulating among the students.

It wasn't long before the entire school had heard the story, and Gryffindor was largely responsible for the rapid spread of the tale.

However, this fame came at a cost. Gryffindor's house points began to plummet, as if their scoring hourglass in the Great Hall had sprung a leak. In just a few days, they had lost more than half their points.

The situation only came under control after Professor McGonagall intervened, sternly warning the students to stop creating trouble. The matter finally died down—for the time being.


On a crisp weekend in mid-November, the second Hogsmeade trip of the school year arrived. This time, the students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang were invited to visit the famous wizarding village as well.

The shopkeepers, having received advance notice of the visitors, added a variety of international touches to their wares.

Honeydukes had placed a row of dancing icing macarons and a bucket of flaming syrup apples prominently by the entrance, drawing crowds of curious students.

Gladrags Wizardwear featured more long skirts with a French flair alongside exquisite fur cloaks, catering to Beauxbatons' elegance.

At The Three Broomsticks, Kyle caught sight of Madam Maxime and Hagrid through the window. They were seated at the largest table in the shop, each drinking a kind of vivid blue wine from cups the size of small barrels.

"Kyle, I think you need to stock up on these," Fred said as they browsed Zonkos' Joke Shop. He handed Kyle an entire box of Dungbombs.

"Exactly," George agreed. "We don't know what the task is yet, but whether it's a duel or dealing with some creature, Dungbombs are the ultimate weapon."

"Just one," Fred said, "is enough to incapacitate a dozen people. And the smaller the space, the more potent it is."

"Of course, don't forget to prepare in advance by casting the Bubble-Head Charm on yourself," George added.

Kyle picked up the suitcase, examined it briefly, and then placed it back on the shelf. "Forget it. The rules clearly state we can only use our wands during the tasks. These things won't even be allowed."

"Huh?" Fred frowned, looking annoyed. "That's ridiculous."

Kyle, however, found the rule entirely reasonable.

Sure, there were ways to work around it—using a Summoning Charm, for instance—but he doubted that resorting to such tactics would be worth it. The last thing he wanted was to go down in history as "the most smelly Champion."

That was definitely not a legacy he wanted.

When they returned to the castle that evening, Fred and George were still grumbling about the strict competition rules. They argued that banning the use of props made the tournament far less enjoyable.

The next morning, after breakfast, Kyle headed to the Charms classroom on the third floor as usual.

"Before we begin today's lesson, let's review the Summoning Charm," said Professor Flitwick. "Although this charm is very simple, it often appears on the O.W.L. exam, and it is also essential in everyday life."

His gaze lingered on Kyle for a brief moment before quickly shifting away.

"If you need something and don't have time to fetch it yourself, the Summoning Charm is an excellent solution..."

For the next ten minutes, the students practiced the charm under Professor Flitwick's guidance, their voices echoing as they recited the incantation and focused their wands.

Then, there was a knock at the door.

It was Ginny Weasley, who slipped into the classroom.

"What is it, Miss Weasley?" Professor Flitwick inquired.

"Sorry, Professor," Ginny began. "Mr. Bagman asked me to bring Kyle downstairs. All the Champions need to gather."

"Of course," Professor Flitwick replied with a smile, his eyes turning to Kyle. "Go ahead. There's nothing new being covered in today's lesson."

Kyle nodded, handing his textbook to Kanna, who was seated beside him. As he stood and walked toward the door, the eyes of his classmates followed him intently.

"That's amazing, Kyle. You've become a Hogwarts Champion," Ginny said eagerly as soon as the door closed behind them. "Mum was overjoyed when she found out. She said she'd absolutely be here for the tournament. Bill and Charlie even mentioned taking time off work to come!"

"The first task?" Kyle asked, slightly confused.

"Mum will definitely be at all three," Ginny assured him. "But as for Bill and Charlie, I'm not sure. They live so far away. I think they'll only come for the final task."

"Oh, here we are. Good luck!" Ginny said brightly, stopping outside a room.

Kyle nodded, knocked on the door, and stepped inside.

The room was a relatively small classroom, its tables pushed to the sides to create a clear space in the center. Three long tables were arranged at the front, draped in a luxurious piece of velvet.

Ludo Bagman was seated nearby, chatting animatedly with a witch dressed in a striking magenta robe. Nearby stood Viktor Krum and Fleur Delacour, both already present.

"Ah, the last Champion!" Bagman exclaimed, rising to his feet. "Come in, come in. There's nothing to worry about—just a quick wand inspection and a few photos. This is Rita Skeeter... she's writing a piece on the Battle for the Goblet for The Daily Prophet."

This was Kyle's first encounter with the infamous Rita Skeeter. Her reputation preceded her, and Kyle recalled the frustration of Chris, who had also suffered under her pen.

"Ludo, before we begin, might I have a word with Kyle?" Rita Skeeter asked smoothly, her smile sharp. "He's the youngest Champion, after all—it would add a nice touch of color to the article."

"Sorry, Miss Skeeter," Kyle interjected before Bagman could reply. "But I think it's best to proceed with the wand inspection first. I've still got a class to attend afterward."

"Ah, yes, yes," Bagman said hastily, his voice booming. "Every lesson is critical before the competition begins."

Rita Skeeter's smile faltered, her expression hardening as she fixed her gaze on Kyle. He, however, paid her no mind.

"Good that you didn't accept her invitation," Fleur whispered as she stepped closer. "Madam Maxime warned me about her."

"She was right," Kyle murmured in agreement.

Moments later, the door opened once more, and Professor Dumbledore entered, followed by the other three members of the judging panel: Madam Maxime, Karkaroff, and Chris. Bringing up the rear was the renowned wandmaker, Ollivander.

"It seems we're all here," Dumbledore said warmly as he took his place behind the velvet-covered table.

"Allow me to introduce Mr. Ollivander," Dumbledore continued, gesturing toward the elderly wandmaker. "He will be inspecting your wands to ensure they are in optimal condition before the competition begins."