When Kyle and Sirius returned to Hogwarts through the fireplace in the Leaky Cauldron, they found the Headmaster's Office empty.
Fawkes, perched lazily on his stand, raised his head briefly to glance at them before tucking it back under his wing, disinterested.
As Sirius muttered something about Dumbledore's mysterious absences, a nearby portrait made an irritated remark. Sirius ignored it entirely, which only prompted the portrait to grumble angrily.
By the time the portrait launched into a full tirade, Kyle and Sirius were already walking out of the office, oblivious to its complaints.
In the foyer, a tense scene caught their attention: two groups of students appeared to be in the middle of a standoff, glaring at each other.
Sirius, in his role as a professor, sighed and stepped forward to intervene. "I'll handle this," he said to Kyle.
Kyle nodded in understanding and left the castle alone.
Outside, the snow remained untouched in many places, blanketing the grounds in white. Long tracks crisscrossed the landscape—evidence of students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang enjoying the snow.
Kyle followed the well-trodden path leading to Hagrid's hut at the edge of the Forbidden Forest. Normally, Hagrid would have cleared the snow from the stone steps by this time, but today the snow lay undisturbed, except for a series of messy footprints indicating recent visitors.
As Kyle approached the hut, he heard voices inside.
"Listen to me, Hagrid," came Hermione's voice, calm but firm. "You don't need to be so sensitive about being a half-giant. Prejudice like that—it's no different from how people treat werewolves. It's just a misconception. The truth isn't what the newspapers are saying, is it?"
"Hermione's right, Hagrid," Ron added, his tone earnest. "Don't listen to that Slytherin rubbish. Everyone knows you're not violent, and loads of people like you."
"Don't try to comfort me," Hagrid replied, his voice heavy with emotion. "Last year, Professor Lupin had to leave Hogwarts because of his werewolf status. I reckon it's my turn this year. No one'll want me here—I know it."
"That's not true!" Harry said passionately. "We want you here, and so does Angelina. She was just arguing with those Slytherins in the entrance hall because they were saying awful things about you."
Hearing this, Kyle immediately realized who the students in the foyer had been. With Sirius handling the situation, he felt confident Angelina wasn't in any real danger.
Kyle stepped up to the door and knocked.
"That'll be Dumbledore, come to tell me to pack up and leave…" Hagrid muttered gloomily.
The door creaked open, revealing a disheveled Hagrid. His eyes were red and swollen from crying, and his hair was matted and tangled, resembling a wild tumbleweed atop his head.
"Sorry to disappoint," Kyle said lightly, "but the Headmaster's tied up with Karkaroff and Maxime. I don't think he's got the time to come down here."
"Kyle, you—" Hagrid started.
"Can we talk inside?" Kyle interrupted with a small grin. "It's freezing out here."
Without waiting for an answer, Kyle stepped past Hagrid into the hut.
Inside, Harry, Ron, and Hermione looked up nervously. When they saw it was Kyle, their shoulders relaxed, and they collectively let out a sigh of relief.
"Kyle, did you come here because you read that article?" Hermione asked.
"Mm," Kyle nodded. "I figured Hagrid might be in trouble, so I came to see if I could help."
"It's all because of Rita Skeeter," Harry said angrily. "That awful woman just loves to stir up trouble."
"You know her?" Kyle asked.
"I met her once after the first task," Harry said with a grimace. "She asked me a few questions, which I thought were just normal. But a few days later, she published an article claiming I was bitter because I wasn't a Champion and that I insulted Professor Dumbledore by calling him an old idiot."
"But I never said that! I'd never call Professor Dumbledore an old idiot, and I didn't even want to become a Champion."
"Just look at the first task—Matagots, dragons—I'd have to be mad to want to compete... Oh, sorry, Kyle, I didn't mean it like that."
"It's fine," Kyle said, shaking his head. "I didn't take it personally."
"Speaking of which," Hermione said, turning to Hagrid, "how did that woman find out you're a half-giant?"
"I dunno," Hagrid muttered, his voice heavy. "I never told anyone except... Madam Maxime."
"Madam Maxime?" Ron said, wide-eyed. "Isn't she a half-giant too?"
"That's what I thought," Hagrid said with a sigh, "but she gave me a right dressing-down for even suggesting it. Said she was just big-boned." He groaned and buried his face in his hands.
"She's afraid to admit it," Harry said indignantly. "Big-boned—who's she trying to fool?"
"But it worked, didn't it?" Kyle said, cutting in. "Don't forget, the article only mentioned Hagrid. Half-giants aren't like werewolves—they don't transform or anything. As long as she doesn't admit it, people might just chalk it up to something else. Wizards see so many strange things in this world that a bit of an unusual physique isn't unbelievable."
Hermione's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "Wait, the newspaper... Kyle, do you think Rita Skeeter overheard Hagrid last night? But Hogwarts doesn't allow outsiders in. Hagrid, did you see her?"
"I don't remember," Hagrid said, shaking his head. "But I don't think so."
"Rita Skeeter isn't short on magical skills," Kyle said with a shrug. "She could've easily hidden herself."
The group fell silent for a moment as they considered this.
"That explains how she knew," Hermione said suddenly. "It was the Disillusionment Charm! She must've used it to turn herself invisible and eavesdrop."
"Or maybe an Invisibility Cloak," Ron suggested.
"Animagus is another possibility," Harry added. "Like Peter Pettigrew—turning into something small, like a rat or a squirrel. No one pays attention to little creatures like that."
"That's not possible," Hermione countered, frowning. "I've read the Animagus registry for this century, and Rita Skeeter's name isn't on it."
"Not everyone registers," Harry reminded her. "Peter Pettigrew's name wasn't on the list either."
He'd almost said Sirius's name but stopped himself, thinking it might upset Hagrid given the current circumstances.
The trio continued debating how Rita Skeeter could have learned Hagrid's secret, but Hagrid himself seemed uninterested. He sat staring at the teapot on the stove, which was releasing thick clouds of white steam, lost in thought.
"Can I have a cup of tea?" Kyle asked. "Someone thought ice cream in the snow was a good idea, and now I need something warm."
"Oh... sure..." Hagrid mumbled, finally rousing himself. He picked up the teapot and poured Kyle a steaming cup of pine nut tea.
Harry glanced outside at the falling snow and shivered. "Honestly, even if someone offered me ice cream, I wouldn't eat it—not in this weather."
"Agreed," Kyle said, taking the cup from Hagrid. "But he loves the cold—he'd probably roll around in the snow if he could. I didn't want ice cream either, but once it's bought, it can't go to waste."