Kingdoms and Locations:
Cedrus: Kingdom where Dravyn lives.
Falthur: Northern kingdom known for invading Cedrus.
Columbus: Southern kingdom that also invades Cedrus.
Élaris: The planet where events unfold.
Zarkhûn: Northern mountains rich in Kaerithar ore, and former home of dragons like Elyndra and Ignarion.
Sylvarûn: A vast, unexplored forest, in the far west.
Zhyranthys: Kingdom inhabited solely by hybrids, the former home of Vyresska and Scilia.
Kaerthalyon: A western kingdom bordering Zhyranthys with a large coastline.
Velanthar: Name given by the protagonist to the forest inside a crater.
Kaorthernung: The same as a huge bear, with an incredibly good sense of smell
Zol'Karnes: Half-human people (Hybrids)
Hornock: A mix of cow and buffalo, with three prominent horns. Used for milk, meat, and transportation.
Howlith: A giant wolf with venomous claws.
Serpentinas: Gigantic serpents with an affinity for water magic, capable of growing indefinitely.
Vakkur: Large beaver-like creatures used for transporting heavy loads.
Zhaalk: Large lizards with potent venom in their jaws.
Kaorrax: Creatures similar to chickens but larger and with unique traits.
Tzilik: Small monkeys with elongated arms and an affinity for wind magic.
Fyrlárins: Huge rabbits, nearly the size of a person, with powerful claws for digging.
Graskélins: Birds larger than peacocks, with teeth in their beaks and feathers that create magical illusions to disorient prey or enemies.
Drakthuls: Gigantic armadillos with protruding teeth and enormous claws for digging burrows.
Fylarenn: A fish with magical healing properties.
Kozvhyn: A woodworm used as fishing bait, also known as the wood plague.
Rhomangarûn: A large fish consumed by soldiers for its muscle-building magical properties.
Thyrekon: A special fish with magical properties that restore stamina.
Fynllorath: A plant with extremely resistant leaves, used to make ropes.
Thalrún: A tree similar to oak.
Thalvarýn: A plant from which threads that can be used for sewing are obtained.
Líthari: A tree that looks like a willow.
Fruvorra: A creamy, sweet fruit with a citrus aroma and a red color.
Alkarith: A fruit similar to Brazilian açaí.
Nhalvyris: A grain similar to rice.
Tháliar: A tuber resembling a potato.
Thalbûren: A hollow, tough plant divided into segments, like bamboo
Sithraal: A fruit that resembles the tomatoes
Minerals and Crystals:
Kaerithar: A magical and precious ore that enhances power to its maximum for a limited time but at a high cost.
Zyren: A mineral resembling obsidian but with magical properties.
Vothrial: Called the "creation crystal" by the protagonist, it can read thoughts and has other powerful functions.
Kovâr: A mineral almost totally equal to copper.
Other Terms and Phenomena:
Kara Valkh: A phrase meaning "Wind Howl," used to invoke wind magic.
Télasyenith: The northern lights in Élaris' language.
Véskha: The word for "bag" in the language of Élaris.
Estalyrion: The mother star of the planet Élaris.