Downtown Ruckus

After assisting the old man who was late for his bingo day in the recreational center, as soon as the old man entered the building. An explosion occurred not far off from the recreational center.

I immediately used my eye augment to analyze the situation.

[Multiple suspects spotted on the explosion site]

[Gang members of Union have attacked a local produce shop]

"Alright reporting to HQ about the situation."

I immediately radioed HQ.

"Operator." HQ Operator replied.

"I have a situation Downtown near the Recreational Center," I replied.

"Can you elaborate on the situation?" Asked the Operator.

"Sending you a report from the analysis," I replied.

"Got it. Currently, you're the only officer available to take control of the situation, Officer Rook. Information from the database says these Union members are fodder-class and not much of a threat to most officers of your class. I permit you to use force as much as possible and take those gang members into custody." Operator replied.

The operator granted clearance for the use of force. I felt lighter as my augments were activated remotely which I just realized why I couldn't do any checks on Overclock. Now that restraints are removed temporarily, let's get practicing our speed.

[Overclock loaded]

[Level 1 engaged]

[Power Limited to 30%]

It seems good now I need to activate it during battle. After systems were active I went to the scene of the problem. A small produce market is being attacked by small thugs part of the Union trying to steal and harass the innocent owner.

"N.E.P.D.! Hands in the air!" I shouted at the thugs attacking the store.

"Oh crud, it's the N.E.P.D." Said one of the thugs.

"Hey look he's the only one they sent. And knowing how he looks, they sent a rookie too." The observant thug smirks.

"Yeah, we're five of us here and he's the only one here." One of the big thugs laughs at the fact.

"I don't think so. I can do this right here, right now." I scoffed at their numbers.

"Why you'd think so?" Asked by one of the thugs with a gun.

"I've handled way more people than your group of scoundrels." I raised my fists to prepare for battle.

"Look a rookie is being all full of himself. Let's show him how we, the Union, deal with those who suppress our work. Get him, boys!" As their leader points at me with a weapon in hand.

I clenched my fist and started to activate Overclock time-passing slowed down to a crawl, I faced them and punched each of them three times on sight. Soon after I stood beside them as they were rushing forward towards my previous position I returned my speed to normal.

[Overclock de-activating]


A loud thud, and bodies flailing falling to the ground as they were in pain after going through my speed.

"You thugs think of giving up now?" I asked.

"What the hell just happened he disappeared and reappeared, right beside us." Said one of the observant thugs.

"I think it's easier for me to say that you're not up to what you guys sought out to be," I replied.

"Get up, let's get this guy. You won't get away with this." As the big thug swings his metal pipe to hit me I instinctively used Overclock again to dodge and smack him out cold.

"What!? He took out our big guy!?" Said one of the remaining thugs.

"You know what let's get this over with already. You're not worth using my power for this." I replied as I clenched my fist again now at 45% power.

I cuffed the thugs while giving them one more punch to knock them out. The citizens who were around were cheering and were glad to see that the thugs were handled quickly.

"That's about it time to call HQ," I said to myself.

I radioed HQ soon after.


"I finished taking out the thugs in the Market Street near the Recreational Center. I need some medics here they may need some medical care after taking some hits." I reported that the situation is now clear.

"Affirmative that the situation has been fully taken care of, great job Officer Rook. You may return to your station or patrol." The Operator replied.

I waited as I helped the owner of the store to pick up the fruits and vegetables. A police cruiser arrived seems like my ride was here.

"Oh thank you for helping me officer I didn't expect that the Union would attack after a lot of them were imprisoned in a recent war they had." Said the old manager.

"I think they tried to redeem their lost pride after losing to us by attacking the innocent," I replied.

"They tend to do pretty petty things whenever a war is stopped. I'm glad that my shop wasn't fully destroyed this year." The old manager sighed as he picked up the crates that fell.

I looked back seeing Officer Uni walking towards us.

"Oh, Officer Uni you're early today." I waved at her as she nodded in recognition.

"Change of plans Officer Rook. We have to get back to the station." Officer Uni pointed towards the cruiser.

I waved goodbye to the manager to followed Officer Uni to the car. As we entered the vehicle and left downtown she was pretty lax about the details of why we were returning to the station.

"Did something happen while I was gone?" I asked Officer Uni.

"Nothing much, Officer Weiss thought it's enough of a punishment for you to handle that small situation back there. He's letting you free like that, he's usually isn't a kind guy when it comes to punishments." Officer Uni replied with a surprised face.

"What makes you say that I was unusual?" I asked.

"Let's just say, not to offend, you as a former criminal just working and adapting quite well already back in society. It kinda creeped us out, to be honest. And usually, criminals of that caliber be returned to society as free man is dangerous you understand that right?" She looked at me.

"Yeah, I understand that most criminals of my sentence level are very much dangerous. And usually aren't the types that just change with a snap of their fingers. And I knew personally that most criminals there have grudges against the N.E.P.D. If I did fight back, I'd waste my second chance at freedom, so for me, it's not worth it to hold a grudge for the people who brought me to justice they're just doing their jobs." I looked out the window as I said those words.

"Despite the criminal history, you have common sense at least. Most thugs we handle can't even understand the basics of common sense." She smirked.

"I mean it's better to behave in front of a beast than to poke it with a stick. And I ain't doing any of that." I replied.

"You are an odd criminal Rook. A one in a hundred thousand, kind of odd." She sighed.

"Though I expected you guys to already read my criminal record since I was informed back at boot camp that my higher-ups would read it to learn about me and how I became a criminal," I replied.

"We did, it was empty." She calmly replied.

"Wait empty? Surely you can't be serious about it being empty?" I jolted from my seat after hearing that.

"I am not kidding it was blank. We only had your info and your time sentence. Everything else is empty, no reason for the crime, where it happened, how it happened, when it happened, and what was the motivation for the crime. It was seemingly wiped off your record, either the crime you did was so horrible that no one should know about it or someone from the inside had it hidden from prying eyes who knows." She was just as confused as I was upon knowing about this.

What happened with my documents? Blank, it shouldn't be blank. It's impossible for one's criminal record to just disappear from existence. What could have happened to make those documents get deleted?