Chapter 72: The wise do not fall in love, the resentful repeat the same mistakes

"Bro, you're really too naive," Ji Tian said, her voice comforting but her words sharp. "The good you do for others from the bottom of your heart isn't always appreciated. Some knives only hurt when they stab you, and with these twenty yuan, I'll buy you some medicine. No matter what, your health is the most important."

In her mind, she thought: Brilliant!

Shen Zhiyi made a great move there, just when she didn't know how to pull him back, he handed her a perfect opportunity. She could already feel Ji Weinan's despair.

On the outside, she kept a cool expression, but inside, she was ecstatic.

She wanted to say, "If you miss this village, there's always another shop waiting for you."

There are thousands and thousands of Miss Worlds out there, all better than this so-called female lead. It'd be better and easier with another.

Ji Weinan was still quite downhearted, after all, Shen Zhiyi was the first girl he had liked in seventeen years.