Bangbangtang barked a couple of times right on cue, as if to say, "Yeah, I'm being good." Then it happily nuzzled into her arms.
She secretly hummed a little tune, sneaking a glance at him. His determined profile and neatly trimmed sideburns were shrouded in shadows under the flickering streetlights, betraying no signs of emotion. Well, she never could tell his moods anyway...
She thought about it for a moment; whether he was pleased or irritated, she decided not to hold it against him! She had bitten him, yet he still helped her find the dog. That was enough to offset her annoyance at him for assisting Su Rongxing! Besides, it made sense—Su Rongxing was his sister after all, and he was bound to help her. What were she and him to each other anyway? Come to think of it, if she had a brother doting on her, she'd be just as spoiled! Truth was, she was just jealous that Su Rongxing had a great brother!