"Yeah, it must be because she ran out of candy today that she felt so sad she had to come wait for him. So, did he have the same effect as candy?" She secretly glanced at Mr. Su again and quickly closed her eyes. "How could that be possible? His stern face should only spoil one's appetite, right? How could he compare to sweet candy?"
Ronggui saw her make a face as if something was unpleasant to look at and thought maybe he was improperly dressed, but after checking himself, there was nothing wrong! So why did she close her eyes? His face darkened, "Let's go eat!"
Having a meal alone with Mr. Su would have thrilled Tu Hengsha when she first arrived in Chenjiang, but now... she didn't find it such a delightful thing. Imagine having a teacher who might scold you at any moment watching you. Can you still enjoy your meal?
However, Tu Hengsha clearly underestimated her ability to enjoy a meal, so much so that Mr. Su actually stopped and stared at her.