"Haha... Don't be anxious. They can't run away. Let's wait for them to come back and give them a good beating. How would they dare to not behave after tasting the beatings from my vines. Anyway, how many people have we caught Today?"
Ming Dai spun the butterfly knife in his hand before putting it away and lighting a long cigar before putting it into his mouth and exhaled a big puff of smoke.
He casually raised his wrist, and suddenly, a pair of thick brown vines suddenly appeared from behind him, the vines connected to his spinal cord moved like a pair of ferocious large snakes! There were knitted blood-red veins on each vine and the edges of the vine leaves were covered with sharp serrations, like wild beasts with their mouths open, waiting to capture and eat their preys!
Gong Fei felt fear in his heart, but he smiled with flattering gaze before complementing Ming Dai with honey coated words,