The Strong Woman: Maria Gatti!

Eduardo was still confused. He knew Marcello was just making anything up just because he didn't want to get married. He just wants to remain gay, or he has his own personal reason.

"Even Hercules didn't want that kind of woman. We'll go with any woman we find and you must get married to her no matter what. This time, you mustn't kill her"

"I don't want just any woman, Eddy. If she isn't special, I don't want her. I want someone who doesn't care about my relationship with you" he said, with a proud look on his face.

Eduardo sighed, slamming his hand on his forehead. His head was already throbbing, dealing with Marcello's problem. He just wanted to do this so the old man wouldn't be after his life again.

"I don't think such a woman exists, Marcy"

"Then, I don't need to get married" he shrugged nonchalantly.