Fighting my fury, I hopped put of my car with my gun in my hand towards my currently burning warehouse. It was apparently lit up by an unknown flame and my men were currently running around like headless chickens trying to put out the flames. 

The smell of burning wood pierced the air and hung thickly filling my nose and mirrored my fury. I looked at the mass field that used to me one of my largest warehouses as it burned to ash, my goods worth millions burning to a crisp in the warehouse. i turned at one of my men and asked in anger 

"How did this happen? i want answers and i want it fast" he looked at me like fish out of water, gaping and gasping like an asmathic man

"We-we- we have no idea don, the fires suddenly started and we have not found the source yet" he said and stunned by his stupidity, i closed my eyes to reign in my anger but it was futile so I pulled my gun out and aimed it at his face

"Try again idiota {idiot}" i said with a deadpanned look i n my eye, i had every intention of pulling the damn trigger

"Sir I tried but we have not found the source yet but soon, we will sir" he said bobbing his head like a loose doll but i was not having it


The pop of the gun rang out even in the chaos of the flames in the warehouse, they all knew of how much i hated incompetence

"You! come here" i yelled, no longer in the mood to control my anger, i was livid and they would all suffer for it

"Sir" he said as he stood before me confidently


"The fire was started by someone sir, we found a flammable source at the back, it was hidden in the trees sir, we seem to have a mole"

"Good, fires do not start on their own and i want this mole caught fast. Give me the names of everyone that was on standby the past month, it should be on my table by tonight. Flop and it will be a bullet between your eyes" i barked out; i was not playing today.

I walked towards the back where the fire had calmed to insoect it myself, i bent foward to smell the leaves and caught a hint of gasoline, the trees had been doused in them. I closed my eyes brifely as i tried to rein in my anger. I thouht of Sbine, the fire cracker that i made my wife, i thought of the way her face scrunched up in anger and irritation, the way her eyes flashed in defiance whenever she wanted to yell my ears out, the way her skin flushed when i had her at the club; i could instantly feel my anger levels depleting as i breathed in and out.

"Sir" i heard someone say cutting ,e off my thoughts on Sabine and i got up and turned to him

"This beter be good" I said

"We found this letter tucked one of the crates that was pulled out of the fire, the crate was seperated from the rest inside"

"Whoever kept it in there wanted me to find it" i said and took the piece of paper from him

It read out 'From your dearest enemy, vengance is mine, this is only the begining, vengance is like a patient beast, watch as I turn your life inside out, you and that percious woman in your house. Say hi to the wife for me.....thats if she allows you to see her"\

 -The Jackal.

I gritted my teeth and clenched my jaw aSs i ripped the note to shreds, "Get me that list now!" 

I walked foward thinking back on the note and felt somethins in my bones, it was not fear or dread, it was one thing i knew all to well


I looked foward to seeing who this jackal was, he or she had the balls to come into my territory, set fire to my warehouse and make me lose millions of my hard earned money, I could taste blood as i smiled fully at the thought of what i would do to this person when i caught him

It would be a cold day in hell before anyone ever brought me to my knees, the world would burn for this and i would consume everything in its wake.

I now had something to lose, the woman i would keep bound to my side for life, this jackal was about to go toe to toe with a man that wasvery dangerous and volatile

A man that had something to lose, i thought with Sabine's grey eyes on my mind.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" i yelled over the noise at one of my men who ran towards the shed that was also lit up in flames

"The special product is in there sir" he yelled back, i was going to kill him for his incompetence. I was losing millions from this negligent act of my men and it deeply annoyed me