❤️Dangerous thought❤️

" Not my fault, he brought the offer not me" Jason said getting pissed already.

" leave it be guys I'm fine, I'm going to bed,I have to go home early tomorrow,mom called earlier and asked to meet me"Leo said getting up and walking out of the room.

Shopping mall

After successfully acquiring the job, maya and Alicia had been busy with work and were about leaving for home.

" Goodnight ma'am Gracie, thanks again" maya said picking her bag with a smile on her face.

" no need to thank me dear, you earned it" her boss, a lady in her late forties said returning the smile.

" are you done lici" she asked Alicia who was just coming out of the restroom with a straight face.

" yeah let's go"

" I still can't believe you're friends with icy here" mam Gracie called after her while Alicia sent her a light glare, maya laughed and locked arms with Alicia before waving her boss goodbye and walking out with Alicia.

It was starting to get dark so the girls decided to wait to catch the bus so they took a seat on one of the benches at the bus stop.

Maya wouldn't stop talking and laughing occasionally while Alicia just nodded and responded where necessary till the bus finally came and they went in sitting side by side with a guy by the window.

" Hey tigress i guess we meet again" They heard the guy beside them say and they both turned at once, while maya waved her hands at him, Alicia just ignored him and scoffed.

"You know it's not nice to ignore compliments"

He continued.

"I don't remember requesting for a compliment besides, what are you doing here?" Alicia asked with a straight face, she looks dead serious now.

"What does that even mean, last time I checked this is a public bus which means I have every right to board it" Davis said with a smirk.

"Exactly my point, what would a rich kid be doing on a public bus, I really hope you're not stalking me cos it won't end well for you" Alicia said in a deep cold voice that made maya shiver.

" Don't think too highly of your self tigress, I don't chase after girls, it's the other way round" Davis said leaning his back on his seat with a smirk.

Maya noticing the tension and anger in Alicia's eyes took hold of her hand and squeezed it fondly giving her a reassuring smile which seemed to calm her a bit as she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply.

Davis mansion

Davis got home a while ago and has been on his phone in his room since then, he won't stop thinking about that one girl who doesn't seem to find him irresistible no matter how he keeps popping up in front of her.

To think she even threatened him, such guts she's got, acting all cold and heartless. But not to worry, very soon he'll melt her and make her bend to his rules, have her wrapped around his fingers, find out her deepest secrets and use against her, she's acting all bold and tough right now, but when he's done with her she'll have no choice but to beg for mercy, but will he show any?, nah, that's not his style.

He's a master seducer and he'll stop at nothing till he gets her, His image and ego is getting hurt just by her words and resistance, but the moment she lets her guard down he'll break her into small pieces and blown her off.

"Alicia, watch your back, an heavy storm is coming your way"Davis said with a dangerous smirk before letting out a dark chuckle, focusing back on his phone.

Alicia's place

Alicia and maya were currently seated in the dining having dinner. Alicia was still fuming with rage while maya was staring at her with a worried expression as they were both engulfed in an awkward silence until maya broke it

" Are you okay lici?" She finally asked.

" Yeah, why?" Alicia asked back.

" You've been mad after our encounter with that hot guy on the bus, who is he? and why did his presence annoy you so much"

"He's just a big time fuckboy, he's in my class actually, one of those rich kids who feel they have all life has to offer because their parents are filthy rich and girls throw theirselves shamefully at them. We've met at few occasions but I don't like the aura emanating from him, he's always trying to flirt with me whenever we meet and that disgusts me, I don't know what is sudden interest in me is all about but I'm sure whatever it is isn't good, he keeps popping up everywhere and it's getting irritating, his face alone spells doom and I hate the fact that I see him almost everyday" Alicia said all at once pouring out her anger and frustration. She looked up to see maya staring at her with wide eyes and mouth agape.

"What?" she asked

" I'm just stunned, this is the most you've ever spoken in a go, you must really hate this guy, but he's hot though probably why the girls throw their self at him, he's irresistible" maya said with a smile.

" Don't even think about it, I don't wanna see you hanging around bad boys, I'll be watching you closely" Alicia said possessively.

" whoa, you sound like a super hero right now ready to protect me from any villain, I'm blushing"

" I'm being serious maya, trust me you don't wanna have your heart broken"

" Roger that, i promise to stay away from bad boys, it's not like I stand a chance against other girls, I'd rather stay out of trouble" maya said with a smile.

" And if any one tries to mess with you just know that I'm always here for you okay, I've got enough strength to last both of us about two lifetimes"