Ava pushed herself up immediately, she was already feeling a new level of strength, forgetting all the pains she had experienced.
She turned to Jenkins, who was still shocked to see everything that was happening.
"This is not over," he said.
"No, it's not." Ava wiped the blood from her chin.
Jenkins eyes was really darkened. He took a step back, then another again.
Then, with a final snarl, he went back into the shadows.
His forces that were disoriented, and now leaderless started to fall back.
The battle was over.
But the victory felt really empty.
Ava looked around, at the bodies that were littering the ground Moonhaven's warriors, her people.
Her stomach turned. We won, but at what cost?
Asher moved towards her, touching a bleeding wound at his side. His gaze met hers, they both really showed that they were very tired.
"We survived," he murmured.
"For now." Ava exhaled shakily.