Well it's About Time

Buio had long been fascinated by the time anomaly which was present in his dark dimension. However just like the autonomous abilities of the jellyfish, it was one of the abilities which he had spent very little time on refining.

However, it was time to change that. After Mahi and Tempo were created Buio had decided to create a Permaclone who would focus solely on learning, mastering and refining that time anomaly. This sentient being's name was Chisei, even tho she had been created right after the incident with the Enchantress, her ability was one of the most intricate and complicated to even learn let alone master.

So far Buio had created 4 other Permaclones since Chisei came into existence. But since she had the most complicated ability to master, the slightly older clone was still lagging behind. He understood of course, seeing as even Buio himself found it rather difficult to comprehend how to go about utilising this facet of his innate ability.

As he was having this train of thought he suddenly remembered something. 'Didn't Monae once read something to me on the topic of theories about blackholes and the slowing of things the closer they got to it's center or event horizon or something?'

When he was relocating his family to the dark dimension they had carried many things with them, among those things was plenty of reading material. Everytime Buio wanted to sleep since his family had moved here, he fell asleep listening to his sister's reading... just like old times. So he knew she might have the book there with her. The problem at the moment was that he didn't want to go back over there.

As Buio thought this his beast bonds began to snicker, just barely able to contain themselves. 'These guys.' He thought. "Hey, um... Tempo. Can i ask you to do me a small favor? I need a specific book from my sister but there's a bit of an awkward conversation going on over there that I'd like to avoid, could you borrow it from her for me please?" He finished while rubbing his forehead.

"Sure, no problem. I was thinking about something myself, she might have an extra or two. Sure, I'll go!" Tempo replied enthusiastically. Buio raised an eyebrow in surprise. 'Hm... i wonder what she wants that she thinks Tanoshi might have a spare of?' He thought to himself.

He considered asking his beast bonds but in the end he decided against it. Sometimes it was better not to start them up. Not too long after her departure Tempo returned, according to his beast bonds she was beaming from ear to ear. "Oh you got what you wanted i assume?" He asked somewhat curious. Tempo cleared her throat then quickly replied: "Yeah, it's girls stuff tho. You wouldn't be interested." Buio could easily snoop by intentionally using mana to probe whatever she was hiding in the bag behind her back, however he decided not to.

A moment later several of his beast bonds began to laugh uncontrollably, he could swear he even heard one of them snorting too. 'Yeah i better not, if this lot are reacting like that this is most definitely awkward. I better mind my own business then, i don't think i wanna know.'

He received the book from her outstretched palm, told her thanks, collected some food supplies and went on his away.

Each Permaclone was stationed in a different region of the dark dimension from each other while training. Except for Abyss, Triplet and Mahi who had been tasked with protecting his family, they were all quite some distance apart. So Buio had to travel a significant distance to reach Chisei's location. Not that it took him long, seeing as he simply teleported there. Stopping close by, he called: "Hey, Chisei... come get this book. It has some information on black holes and the time anomaly."

Chisei paused her training and immediately arrived to collect the book. After talking for a brief span of time they parted ways and Buio returned to training his jellyfish beast bond abilities.

About 12 hours into mastering autonomous reaction, Chisei contacted him mentally. 'Can you come here please, i've had a breakthrough?' She exclaimed into his mind, her tone filled with excitement. A wide smile appeared on Buio's face. 'Finally, this should accelerate things tremendously if things worked in his favor.'

'I'll be there in a few.' He sent back. When Buio arrived, he was already holding a severed arm in his right hand while actively absorbing the potent purified mana within the dark dimension to aid his beast bonds in the healing of his wound. Leviathan, Tempo, Junosairu, Infinitia and Shiro Karasu were already there. "I can finally slow time by a significant margin." She announced with pride. "You guys already know how time flows differently here in comparison to how it does on the outside, with one hour out there correlating to 24hrs or slightly more in here." She continued.

"Well, that has to do with how things slow down the closer they get to the center of a black hole. Reading the book which i was provided with helped me a lot. I can now pull on the very center of the black hole specifically." She said. "I intentionally tried to sense where time was being altered the most. After forcing myself further into the epicentre without fighting it i stayed there and instinctually called upon that facet of the darkness. It took quite some time and i am nowhere close to mastering it, yet... but i can finally manipulate it. We can finally affect time."

All the beings present were waiting patiently. "By only manifesting the very center of a blackhole i can slow time to varying degrees, we can now alter time and extend our training even more. I sent a shadow clone outside to keep track of the time. I can slow time here until one hour out there is equivalent to more than a day and a half in here." She finished.

Buio was smiling from ear to ear. That was already a massive leap, he couldn't wait to discover how much more Chisei would be able to do when she mastered it even more. Anything related to the altering of time was absolutely busted as far as Buio knew.

In every work of fiction he had consumed, characters who could either delay or accelerate time were capable of achieving godlike feats. Especially depending on the way in which they used it. The possibilities were truly remarkable, just thinking about them made him cautious of physically drooling.

After sharing the location of where the time anomaly was strongest with all of them via their mental connection, everyone present aside from Buio and Chisei teleported to that region to begin training there. The two remaining individuals on the other hand had some tests they wanted to carry out. Buio and his permaclones had a natural resistance to anything related to their shared innate ability. So they intended to find out just how effective it was on anyone aside from them who did not share that advantage.

After making sure that the only effect this aspect of his abilities used was the time alteration, he finally decided to ask his family and his dear friend to assist them with experimenting. Both Tanoshi and Monae were more than happy to participate in the experiments. Buio didn't find it very surprising seeing as Monae knew by now that her brother would never do anything to hurt her and as for Tanoshi, she trusted him with her life and for good reason.

After creating an additional section on the silken structure, which he had fashioned into a home. They began experimenting. In due time they realized that the time alteration ability accessible via very intricate manipulating of the black hole, was indeed much more effective against those with no affinity to it. However the effects seemed to vary in relation to how much of the darkness of the black hole was summoned around the target.

The less darkness the intended target had surrounding them, the weaker the effect it had on them, especially if they had enough mana control to fight against it. This was a very valuable revelation, as it could be vital in the future battles. Although by then Chisei would have significantly more mastery over her abilities.

At the end of Chisei's experiments, Buio was deeply satisfied with the results. He had also come to a decision, once the newer Permaclones were more adept at using their false innate abilities, he was going to arrange for them to rotate shifts in guarding his loved ones so that everyone could train at the very center of the black hole.

After they had both gotten something to eat, were well rested and he had also spent some quality time with his family. Buio set a timer, manifested a shadow clone and left their temporary abode to go get in some more training at the black hole center himself.

When he was finished, it would finally be time to go make a special visit to a certain demon. He had many very pressing questions to ask....