"I sense Purple Coat's soul fragment like clones, all four of them. The two Permaclones which are currently out in the open, as well as what i assume to be two of those shadow clones." Seishin announced aloud. As she did so, Tamashi's daughter Tahma immediately started looking from one Permaclone to the next.
"Oh i forgot, none of you people are able to sense souls. Yeah, those two teammates of yours are fake people young woman." She said while smirking via the body of the soul fragment she had decided to use as the leader in this part of the demon dimension. Well the false leader, seeing as Purple Coat was likely to attempt to capture it at some point.
Tahma seemed to have become frozen in place. Purple Coat's Permaclones turned towards her, then they seemed to have a very quick conversation with the young woman. After which she seemed to come back to her senses.
"What's wrong with you people, do none of you have even a little bit of paranoia? Become distrustful, display some righteous wrathful anger or something... oh brother!" She spat completely annoyed.
"Oh well, like father like daughter i guess." She continued now displaying an air of nonchalance. As soon as she finished speaking, Seishin sensed a massive disturbance in the atmosphere surrounding her vessels.
"Hey hey, cease fire, cease fire hot head. There are human hostages mixed in with this legion of demons." She shouted quickly. "You wouldn't want to kill your fellow humans now would you?" She finished with a smirk.
All three of her opponents chests seemed to heave, then drop. Clearly they were already exhausted from dealing with her. Seishin couldn't help but chuckle. "Don't like the taste of your own medicine, hm Purple Coat?" She said taunting her opponents.
"By the way little princess, i have taken your mother hostage and engaged in some pg 13 activities with your dad. You might not have very long with your mother once i finally get what i want." Seishin intended to throw the young girls emotions into disarray, then once the fighting got going and they grew more turbulent she would try to take over her body.
To her surprise the girl didn't display much of a reaction. "Damn you Purple Coat!" She whispered under her breath. Obviously her target had been forewarned before she could even speak to her.
Soon Seishin's entire army was bathed in a nauseating aura, as several portals opened around them. However nothing came out of the portals and neither did anything get pulled in. It seemed her plan was working... so far. Since Purple Coat's Permaclones were unable to immediately identify and seperate the civilian vessels from the demon vessels, they were unwilling to use lethal force for the time being.
For some reason they seemed to be unable to use the time altering attack which had been used by the others in their previous encounter. 'Hm, interesting.' She thought pleasantly surprised. 'Now why is that? It seems i may have a better chance here than i did before.' She thought hopefully.
By the time she finished thinking this, an incalculable amount of shadows began to exit the open portals. Then all hell broke loose.
Before she was able to even move the body of the false leader, Tahma had already descended upon it. Luckily Tamashi's daughter was a better opponent for her, as opposed to any of the other options. Plus she could stall her much better than she could stall Purple Coat or his shadow beings. Which were either immune to soul repel or had very high tier healing abilities via some type of beast bond.
Tahma however, was fair game. Seishin activated the innate ability of her current vessel, which immediately turned the vessel into paper. Then disassembled, which caused the Supreme magi's daughter to pass right through it without causing any harm whatsoever.
Seishin then reformed the vessels head, which smiled at Tahma mockingly. Then sent several paper plane shaped projectiles reinforced with very potent mana hurtling towards her. Seishin knew these would not be able to harm her, not because of sheer durability but due to the way her ability worked.
However that would not help her when it came onto Hive's own innate ability, which had been applied to the paper plane projectiles.
Before her projectiles could hit their mark however, a shadow quickly rose from the girls feet to cover her entire body in one swift motion.
By the time the paper planes reached Tahma's body they simply went right through or into her, never to return again. 'Damn you Purple Coat!' Seishin cursed inwardly.
If it wasn't for the fact that doing so would likely ruin the odds of her winning, then she would go all out and use every ability she had at her disposal.
But that didn't prevent her from using those abilities via her vessels, especially since it would mean that she could use the true innate abilities of the demons later on, catching her enemies completely off guard. 'Okay, let's do that then!' Seishin thought to herself.
In the moments that followed the battlefield became like a circus. In terms of wacky abilities and the ridiculous amount of mana which the demons possessed fueling them.
Three of Purple Coat's shadow clones were attacking one demon as viciously as possible, while trying not to harm it too much that is. As they were getting ready to attack once again, the air around them rippled. Then all three of them abruptly changed positions, they had been swapped with a demon who had been flung into the air mere moments before.
All three of the shadow beings seemed to have become disoriented but that disorientation didn't last for long. As they seemed to shake it off in mere seconds then headed for their nearest opponents.
However they didn't get the chance to attack as they had probably intended to, for the next minute straight Seishin constantly switched around her opponents in a random pattern. Ryu and Shredder would dish out attacks only to end up being the ones in the line of fire moments later.
That stalled them somewhat, especially since they were trying their hardest not to kill the civilians by accident. Seeing as they couldn't even tell who the civilians were, Seishin had forcefully turned them into the vessels of the demons, so they had similar levels of mana and no way to cry for help.
There was no way for her enemies to identify them, plus Seishin had come into possession of a shapeshifter. She was using it in tandem with Switch to mess up the ability of her opponents to fight in a cohesive manner.
Seishin started to put extra effort into trying to kill at least one of Purple Coat's Permaclones, seeing as the ones present hadn't called for back up or used any of the originals abilities.
In fact neither of them were using any of the abilities which the other individual Permaclones seemed to be capable of utilizing almost seemlessly. It was as if they didn't share the same abilities or simply weren't proficient enough in it, so didn't bother doing so any at all.
Seishin dismissed that idea almost immediately however. Since she was holding back and hiding her cards despite the fact that it put her in a tight spot, Purple Coat and his Permaclones could be doing the same thing.
During his talk with Tamashi the young mage had mentioned having 15 beast bonds. Yet she hadn't witnessed neither him nor his Permaclones utilizing most of them yet. So it was best to keep her guard up.
As she was beginning to think that she would finally get to take out one of them, the course of the entire battle was flipped on it's head in favor of her opponents.
It happened over 2 minutes after she had first used Switch on them. The change was so fast and sudden that she didn't have the chance to choose an ability which could possibly counter her enemies.
Before Seishin knew what was happening she sensed as one of her vessels fell over and curled up in pain. Then another and another, by the time she realized what had caused them to fall so abruptly, fifty of her vessels had received several broken limbs.
They were being hit by something unseen. However this mysterious phenomenon seemed to have nothing to do with Shredder. Seeing as the Permaclone's invisible projectiles weren't blunt attacks, which is what these very swift, devastating attacks were.
A disturbing thought crossed her mind, then she decided to use her innate ability to sense if there were any unseen soul fragments in close vicinity which she had been unable to detect for some reason.
It was then that she sensed it. At some point during their scuffle, she had began to neglect one crucial detail one had to pay very keen attention to when dealing with Purple Coat. The arrival of new beings bearing a similar soul resonance to him.
At some point during the ongoing scuffle, several dozen beings bearing a similar soul resonance to Purple Coat had appeared. At first She had thought that only the shadow beings were going to be joining the battle, sadly it seemed she had been wrong.
Now that she could sense the new soul fragment like beings, she knew they were there and would not be fooled any longer. There was one major problem though, she still couldn't see them.
While all of her vessels continued to fight as if nothing had changed, Seishin started to focus her efforts on discovering where the invisible beings were. As she did so, the ranks of her gathered legion continued to crumble to the floor at an increasingly rapid pace, then disappear into the black void of the portals... which had never closed even once.
Seishin still had no idea what the attacks where made of. With great effort, she concentrated and spread the sharing of her senses with every single vessel present at this region. In the next moment the false commander was hit in the knee with a crushing force.
Seishin quickly brought her vessel's hand towards its knee, then carefully but swiftly felt around until she found the source of the attack.
She brought the vessel's hand up to eye level as quickly as possible, trying to take a look at it before it had a chance to zip away with tremendous speed.
As her vessel's eye stared at the middle of her hand, Seishin had to squint to see what exactly she was holding. Then the vessel's eyes widened in surprise. "What the hell!" Seishin exclaimed aloud. "A flea. A damned flee. How can such a tiny creature generate such force?" She asked aloud, utterly stunned.
In the next second, the small creature zipped out of the false commanders hand, then crashed into the vessel's neck, shattering its bones.