Chapter 2 - Leaving

Elena POV

After a few days of being a werewolf I turned back into human as I opened my eyes from the sun as I see Nikole cuddled up to me.

I moved her arm to cover my chest.

Elijah: Elena Gilbert.

I turned to see Elijah with my messy hair.

Elena: Please tell me you have some clothes.

Elijah dropped the bag as he turned around as I slid it over.

Elijah: I went to your home for your clothing.

Elena: Not really happy going home right now after my so called friends sacrificed me for Amber, there dead to me.

Elijah: As was I when I saw this, I didn't think they were capable of such treachery.

Elena: Yes, they are, now I'm gonna have to move out, being near them makes me wanna tear them apart.

Elijah: I see.

Elena: I'm leaving Elijah, I can't stomach being here anymore.

Elijah: Where will you go?

Elena: Somewhere far away from them.

I put the last of my clothes on to stand up.

Elena: See you around Elijah.

As I walked away I got far enough to create an Avatar for this world as we both nodded as I teleported away.

My avatar could handle the rest as I'm just going to go to each world at random cause I don't want to ruin the fun.