The Brutality of War

"Many greenhorns love the idea of being warriors. They adore the thought of their names being sung and their actions of bravery being mentioned. They carry with them this naivety into a coming war."

"And then they wonder why they fall?" Instructor Dravok Kain's voice resonated through the quiet grassy plane.

"Let me ask you, greenhorns, a question. When you stand before a horde of mutated beasts threatening to drown the entire world in pain and death..."

"Tell me, on that precipice of the battle, what do you see yourself as?"

"Heroes, no? Guardians, no? Defenders, no? Noble warriors, no?" Instructor Kain said, and some of the students unconsciously agreed in their hearts.

Truly, that is what those who stand before others, facing opposition and risking death, are often called.

"You're wrong, and being wrong in war means being dead!" Instructor Kain's voice came at just the right time when they all silently agreed in their hearts.