chapter 15


💎Elva's POV💎

I yawned widely opening my eyes,my eyes went straight to the bedside clock.


I rubbed my face with my palm before getting up from the bed..I took my body towel from the cupboard and headed to the bathroom..

I got to the bathroom,folded the towel neatly before placing it on the bathroom cabinet..I pulled off my pyjamas and slipped a shower cap over my hair.

I took my body sponge and soap before turning on the shower.

I scrubbed my body with sponge and soap while the shower rinsed it for me.

I finished bathing after some minutes,turned off the shower and picked up my neatly folded towel. I wrapped it round my body and made for my toothbrush,i pressed the toothpaste on it in zigzag and headed to the sink to brush my teeth.

I finished brushing and walked back to the room.

I opened my cupboard and my eyes scan the clothes there.

I settled for a pink trouser and a white shirt before closing it.

I opened the shelf and selected my undies also.

I walked to the bed with the clothes in hand..I spread the clothes on the bed and used the towel to dry the water off my skin.

I picked my body lotion applying it gently on my skin,i slipped on my undies followed by the outfit.

I tucked the shirt into the pink tight trouser and wow ! it looks nice.

I like it .

I removed the shower cap and picked up my hair brush with hair lotion..I brushed through my hair,applied the hair lotion before packing it in a ponytail.

So what next ?...My shoes.

Gosh..I just remember i don't have a shoe.

What am i gonna do ?

I turned when i heard the door open, Fleur walked in already dressed.

"Good morning Fleur" I greeted.

"Morning Elva,you look beautiful and your outfit fits you perfectly" She said and i smiled.

"Thanks Fleur" I said.

"I know you don't have a shoe so i brought this for you" She said stretching out a pair of beautiful black shoes with short heels...Whoa !!

"Thanks so much Fleur" I said a smile,i collected the shoes and slipped my feet into it and OMG; Just perfect.

"Wow Elva you are looking more of a doctor than looking after children" She said and i smiled.

"Come with me,you need a handbag to complete your dressing" She said and i grinned more..I quickly arranged my room,putting things back in their places before following Fleur.

We got to her room and she gave me a beautiful black handbag,i collected it with a smile and hanged it on my hand.

"Thanks Fleur" I said.

"Wow ! Elva were you a model? Fleur asked.

"Model ?...I can't remember being one" I said.

"Cos you look beautiful with a perfect shape" She said and i blushed a little.

"Thanks" I said.

"Let's start going" She said,put on her shoes and carried her bag before we walked out of her room.

We met Mig sitting on one of the couch in the living room.

He turned to me and my heart skipped a beat,his gaze was stabled on my body.

"Good morning Mig" Fleur and i greeted.

"Morning ladies...I guess i'm gonna stay home home by myself" Mig said and i felt a little pinch in my stomach.

Fleur laughed and i put on a fake smile.

"Bye" We said walking to the door,Fleur was in the front.

"Bye" Mig said and i felt his gaze on my back till we walked out of the door.

"It's just down the street so we are just gonna walk" Fleur said when we got outside.

"Ok" I said and we started walking to the hospital...It actually felt good.

Fleur told me more about the hospital till we got there.

It's quite big and beautiful with some cars and ambulance parked neatly in the parking space.

It has "WE CARE AND HEAL" inscribed boldly on the top of the building,the surroundings are clean.

Fleur and i walked into the interior,it's more wide and beautiful on the inside..

There are two nurses at the reception,with some patients obviously waiting to be attended to..

The nurses greeted Fleur warmly and she responded.

She took my hand leading me towards a passage,there are several doors on each side.

We got to a door and Fleur knocked.

"Come in" A broad voice said, Fleur opened the door and walked in,i walked behind her nervously..The office is a bit wide containing the necessary things a Doctor office should have.

The doctor would be in his early fifties,he has an oval head filled with grey hair with grey beards.

He wore a spectacle.

"Good morning Doc" Fleur greeted.

"Good morning sir" I greeted.

"Good morning young ladies" He replied with a small smile.

"Doc,she's the lady i told you about for the replacement of Mrs Morgan" Fleur said and i nodded.

"Really ?"

"Yes Doc" Fleur said.

"Wow..Ok then you are appointed" He said to me.

" Thank you sir" I said and smiled.

"You are welcome, your name?" He asked.

"Elva...Wilson" Fleur completed it for me

"Ok i think i should let you know your duties;

Your resumption time is 8am and your closing time is 4pm,there is another lady who comes from 4pm and look after them till morning,she also comes on weekends so you won't have to come on week ends,all you just have to do is stay in their ward,look after them,keep them from making noise cos it distracts other patients.

You attend to their needs also,you won't let them roam about cos this is an hospital environment...

The cook will bring their breakfast and lunch,so you are just gonna serve it to them round.

They are from age 5-8 and they are seven in number,their parents abandoned them here while they were sick and couldn't complete the money we used in taking care of them but now they are okay and their parents still hasn't show up.

We decided to be taking care of them so for now they are our responsibility..I hope you are good with children and you are gonna like them cos they are very smart..

To cut the long story short; You will receive your salary by the end of the month and i would like you to work diligently" He completed and i sighed.

"Ok sir i will do my best,thank you sir" I said.

"Ok then Miss Wilson,you are welcome to "WE CARE AND HEAL" hospital" He said .

"Thank you sir" I said and he nodded.

"Thanks Doc" Fleur said.

"So nurse Fleur is gonna show you the way to their ward"He said and we thanked him once more before we walked out of the office.

I walked behind Fleur,till we got to a door.

"So Elva,this is the ward..Just go in introduce yourself to them and i know they are gonna like you" She said and i shrugged.

"I have to go to my office now..Bye" She said before walking away.

"Bye" I said feeling nervous to open the door.

I breath in and out,about to twist the knob.

"Hey" I heard and saw a guy walking towards me in the normal white coat doctors wear with a stethoscope around his neck.

He's cute...

"I'm Ben" He said stretching out his hand for a shake.

"Elva" I said accepting his hand..He held on for long till i pulled my hand away.

"You look beautiful" He said.