chapter 29

💎 Elva's POV💎

2 minutes remaining!!

Gosh...Mig can't be embarrassed.

I pushed Daisy roughly and dragged Mig's hand running out of the cafeteria..

People looked weirdly at me but i don't CARE !!

I have to get Mig home first. I took his hand and we ran all the way home.

I'm grateful our house isn't far from here.

We've almost gotten home when i noticed Mig's body changing...I gasp.

Gosh we are still on the street.

His body hasn't changed much,but he's starting to feel weak.

Our house is just few walk from here.

I dragged his hand once more and ran with him.

Thank goodness !!.... we've gotten home.

His body transformed completely immediately we stepped onto the porch.

I quickly took the key from his pocket and unlocked the door.

I have no choice than to push him inside.

I locked the door firmly behind me when we are both inside.

I looked down at Mig and a tear escaped my eyes.

His veins had stuck out,his body complete pale and swollen,his red lips are now completely white.

He groaned in pain and i cried more.

I ran to Fleur's room to take the injection used for him,i opened her first aid box but i don't know which one to take.

I smiled sadly when i saw "for Mig" inscribed on an injection.

I grabbed it and ran back to the living room.

I crouched over Mig,I'm a little scared to start jamming the syringe all over his body but i just have to do it. I can't lose my Mig.

I started jamming the syringe all over his body with my eyes closed..

I stopped when i noticed his body had lessen,i opened my left eyes and saw that he's back to normal before opening my right eye.

He's now asleep with his body back to normal.

I breath in relief and stood straight,I walked back to Fleur's room to return the syringe.

I closed her first aid box and kept it in its position.

I walked into my room and headed to the bathroom to wash my hands.


I walked back to the living room,Mig is still asleep.

I sat on the couch opposite him.

It's past lunch,i have to go back to the hospital but Daisy isn't back yet, i thought she followed us when we left the cafeteria.

I can't leave Mig here alone...

I shook my head when i looked at Mig again..he's just so nice to have such a disease...I mean just look at him....he's so handsome, God took days in carving every inch of his body...If could someone be this cute,have a perfect body. His hair is always glittering,his silver eyes always sparkling.

.....In short, he's breath taking.. The only problem he gat is his disease.

There is truth in the saying "No one is perfect". didn't even say goodbye to Ben before rushing off with Mig...I have to go back to the hospital because of the children but;

I can't leave Mig like this...why isn't Daisy back yet?

I stood up and took few steps towards the telephone on the shelf,i have to put a call through Fleur.

I placed the receiver on my ear as the call was going through.

Fleur...pick.... please

"Hey Fleur" I called into the receiver.

"Hey Elva,are you home? because i recognize this number as the one for home" She said.

"Yes Fleur I'm home,Mig disease appeared so i had to quickly rush him home"

"What !!" She exclaimed.

"OMG how could i have forgotten to check the weather forecast,I'm coming home right now" Fleur said worried.

"Nevermind Fleur,I've jammed the syringe from your first aid box in his body and he's very much okay now.. sleeping presently"

"Wow.... Thanks so much Elva,but where did you see Mig? Cos he doesn't like going out" She said.

"I will explain everything to you as soon as you get home,can you help me sign out and tell the Doc i had to attend to an urgent matter"

"Of course i will gladly do that" She said.

"I should be coming straight away but i can't leave Mig all alone in the house"

"Really?... where's Daisy?" She asked.

"She isn't back yet" I said.

"Ok, i will also hurry with whatever i have to do now...I will get home soon okay" She said.

"Ok Fleur bye" I said dropping the receiver.

I stood straight and walked back to Mig, i knelt beside him looking at his sleepy face.

"Mig" I muttered stroking his hair.

"I know it isn't your fault for having such disease,i promise i won't ever leave you even in your most vulnerable state.." I whispered and placed his arm on my chest as a sign of promise.

I stroked his thick eyebrows with with my finger.

"Mig you are the most handsome guy I've ever seen" I said even though he's asleep and can't hear me.

I stood up and walked back to the couch,i sat on it and lowered my back into it...I slept off.

💎 Daisy's POV💎

"Gosh" I exclaimed when that prawn left the cafeteria with Mig.

Of course i knew the weather will turn humid by 3 o'clock,that was the reason i forced him here,he didn't want to come with me so i have to threaten him with the cure before he agreed to follow me.

He attracted a lot of attention..Mig is cute of course and you know what ' I was glad at the look on his face when he saw Ben and Elva together.

I know that look on Mig's face whenever he's jealous,and there is no reason for him to be jealous if he doesn't have any feeling for Elva.

Mig have feelings for that damn Elva !!

Her beauty pisses me off, she's beautiful and has a damn perfect body. I don't want Mig and Elva together.

Seeing the way Mig looks at her always trigger my heart.

I know Mig isn't that submissive unless he has a soft spot for the person.

I noticed Ben is also into Elva,that makes it good...I gotta strike a deal with him.

I looked over to his table and thank goodness,he's still seated.

I stood up and walked to his table and sat on the seat Elva was occupying I saw the look of hurt on his face when Elva left with Mig.

"Hey"I said

"Hi" he replied

*Ben is also cute but can't be compared to Mig.

"Ben I will go straight to the point... do you have any feelings for Elva?" I asked

"And what does that have to do with me?"he said.

"Cos I want to help you get her"I said.


"Yeah but it seems you don't want me around you so forget it" I said and stood up to leave in pretence...

I smiled when he pulled me back...yess! he's catching the bait.

I sat down back...

"please just help me I do have feelings for Elva" he said.

"Ok then you have to do something" I said.

"What?" He asked.

I looked around and push my chair forward then whispered in his ear.

"Isn't that too difficult?" He asked after he finished listening to what i whispered to him.

"You can choose not to do it if you want to lose Elva" I said and a frown appeared on his face.

"I will do it" He said.

"Deal ?" I asked.

"Deal" He said and we both smiled.

*What a fool...He doesn't know I'm using him to achieve my aim* 🤣