chapter 65

💎Elva's POV💎

"Stop" We yelled rushing towards her.

But we were the ones who stopped when we heard her say.

📞Camera ?

She dropped the call and turned to face us.

We stood there without uttering a word.

"Vinnie you ordered a camera?" She asked.

"Yes she ordered it for me cause i don't have enough cash..I'm going back to the countryside some days after and we need a camera to monitor the movements of the staffs in the hospital" Fleur said and we heaved a sigh of relief.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yeah...what else do we need a camera for?" Dian asked.

"I heard you shout 'stop' ,if the camera you ordered was truly for Fleur,then you shouldn't have tried to stop me from making the call" She said and i quickly came up with a lie.

"The thing is dad does not need the tiniest noise for now and your voice was a bit high,it might just wake him up" I lied hoping hard she will believe.

"Okay...but i don't believe you and i promise you that I'm gonna figury out whatever you are planning" She said with a chuckle.

My heart beat faster in fear...I had known Mrs Winters to be a smart ass

Dianne walked towards dad on the bed.

"He's awake" She said and we walked to dad.

"Dad how are you feeling now?" I asked.

"Much more better, Fleur's treatment is like magic" He said with a smile.

"I know you will be hungry right now" Fleur said.

"Yes i am and it seems I'm perceiving the aroma of my favorite meal"

"Maisey go bring dad's meal" I ordered and she bowed before leaving.

"I'm gonna feed you dad" Dianne said.

"Okay Dian... Juliet how are you?" He asked and Mrs Winters marched forward like a queen placing a kiss on dad's cheek.

"I'm glad you are now very much better darling" She said smiling sheepishly sitting on the bed beside dad.

"I'm also glad honey...all thanks to Nurse Fleur " Dad said holding Fleur's hand.

Maisey brought in dad's meal...Dian collected it and Mig made dad sit up on the bed.

"I will feed him" Mrs Winters said collecting the meal from Dianne who watched in anger as Mrs Winters began feeding dad.

She hissed and walked out angrily..

"We will be right back dad" I said and winked at Fleur and Mig to come with me.

We walked out and i saw Dianne sulking at the door...I dragged her hand and we headed back to Mig's room.



"I've told you Mrs Winters is a smart woman" I said immediately we entered the room.

"Chill..She has not found out yet" Fleur said.

"The camera task is gonna be impossible cause now she will be on the lookout " Mig said and i nodded.

"It's not gonna be impossible...we are still gonna put the camera in her room" Fleur said.

"Do you have a death wish Fleur,Mrs Winters is a dangerous woman. If she finds out then consider yourself done" I said and Fleur laughed.

"Why are you acting like a novice...this camera" She said bringing out the camera from it's pack.

"It's damn tiny and black ... We would put it in a secluded area in that room...I bet with you that she isn't gonna find out" Fleur said and i sighed.

"Fleur is right...this thing is tiny,if someone doesn't look can't even be seen..let's do this and find out if that woman is innocent or not" Dianne said and i breathe in.

"Okay okay then...i hope we all know that Maisy can't do it anymore?" I asked and they nodded.

"So who's gonna do it?" I asked.

"I will do it " Mig said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah's a simple task,i will just wait till she's out of the room and quickly attach the camera on her wardrobe while Dianne will connect it with her laptop" Mig said and we nodded.

"So it's gonna be carried out tomorrow cause it's getting dark" I said and they all turned to look at the window.

"That's it would be done before I'm back tomorrow right?" Fleur asked and we nodded.

"Okay... let's all cheer up,we are looking dull and ugly just like the descendants of Mrs Winters" I said and we laughed.

"Let's go have our dinner abd toast to a successful task tomorrow" Dianne said and we walked out of Mig's room heading to the dining.

Our dinners are already placed on the table in the dining room.

It's homemade chicken soup and omlette rice with various wines.

We sat down and dished it out ourselves.

We started eating and chatting at the same time.

"This is delicious" Fleur muttered, happily biting into a chicken lap.

We ate to our fill, laughing at the joke Mig was cracking.

The dining table was cleared and deserts was served.

"We don't want deserts tonight please.. everyone is filled up,you guys can have it" I said and the maid nodded about to carry the deserts back to the kitchen when Fleur called her back.

"Hey can i have a slice of the the red velvet cake please?" She beamed.

She later picked two slices...and started munching it in excitement.

We all watched her.

"Fleur is this how you are gonna eat at your prince charming's place tomorrow?" Mig asked.

"Of course yes...I can't be behaving like a lady that can't finish a plate of meal while i i can't form 'tush' he should love me for who i am" She said gulping down her wine.

"Wow .. everything about you is different" Dianne said.

"Really?" Fleur asked.

"Yeah" we all said.


"Let's watch a movie before we go to bed please" Dianne said when we were about exchanging 'good nights' we've gone to check on dad and he's cool.

"Okay i also wanna watch" Fleur said.

I faked a yawn and Dianne eyed me knowingly.

"You both should go watch your movie...Elva and I needs to sleep goodnight" Mig Said and i smiled.

"Goodnight girls" I said.

"Goodnight couple" They said before running off to the living room.

We walked to our rooms after kissing ourselves goodnight.

💎🥀💎🥀💎 Next morning..

💎Fleur's POV💎

I hurried down the stairs already dressed for work...

Damn !! Braun's car has been waiting outside for some minutes now..

I woke up late all thanks to the movie Dianne and i watched the previous night.

I slowed down a bit as i walked out of the door heading towards the Lamborghini waiting for me.

The driver came down to open the door and i hopped in replying his greeting.

He drove out and i breathe in fresh air adjusting the floral jumpsuit I'm putting on.

The things i will need is already in the black bag I'm carrying with me.

He drove for a lot of minutes before stopping at a gate...

Wow... merely looking at the golden steel gate,gave me an hint.

The gate opened by itself and the driver drove in.

I raised up my head only to see the most big and beautiful mansion ive ever seen..

The driver came out to open the car door for me and i stepped out of the car mouth opened.

The mansion is painted in gold and black shining like a crystal..

The cars in the compound are uncountable .

I can see myself clearly in the sparkling marble tile.

Mean looking Bodyguards lined up with guns like soldiers going for war and i shivered in fear .

These ones are ready to kill...I better not try anything silly here .

Two beautiful maids came out to usher me in.

"Come in Miss" They said,and i followed them.

"Stay back" One of the bodyguards barked and i shivered.

He used a small instrument to scan my body before allowing me in.

I walked in carefully with the maids.

My legs swayed at the sight of the living room..

This is paradise... indescribable,the most beautiful living room,glasses shone, chandeliers sparkled with light at all angles if the room.

The couches alone should worth billions..the designs on the wall made me want to cry..

This is too beautiful to be's like a magical house filled with riches.

"Have your seat ma'am Boss Braun is coming" A maid said and i faked a smile before landing my butts on the felt like I'm seating on's so soft i nearly jolted up.

"Good morning Miss Fleur" I heard the familiar voice and turned to see Braun looking more handsome and relaxed in a pair of blue shorts and a white t-shirt ,his hair is brushed down to his shoulders and his eyes sparkled with warmth..

Two bodyguards at his sides,then one at his back.

"Good morning Mr Braun" I said politely.

"What do you care for?" He asked.

"Nothing.. thanks " I said.

"Okay Dad is upstairs,do you want to go meet him now or relax a bit?" He asked.

"I will go meet him now " I said already standing up.

"Okay come with me" He said.

"You guys should stay back for a while" He said to his bodyguards who bowed and stood back.

I followed him up the stairs, looking at his masculine back.

I tripped and nearly fell but he turned back just in time to save me.

Awwn....he's a prince charming indeed...

My prince charming to be precise.

💎Elva's POV💎

Mig and i sat at the living room jubilating..

Mig has successfully planted the camera in Mrs Winters room and Dianne has also connected to her laptop successfully...

She's looking at the footage right now in her room.

She's gonna call on us if she sees anything suspicious.

"I'm so happy" I said.

"Not as i, I had to quickly plant the was only Maisey remaining in the room and she watched out for me" Mig said.

"Wow ..that gurl is a darling..I'm gonna reward her" I said smiling happily.

"Fleur would be so happy to hear this" Mig said.

"Yeah...I've missed her,i wonder how she's gonna cope at her prince charming's house" I said and we both laughed.

The door bell rang.

"Boss Vin...Mr Ryan is here" Selena said and i looked at Mig.

"Really?" I asked.

"Let him in" I said and she nodded walking back to the door.

Ryan walked in with a sad expression and also a flower in hand.

"Ryan what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Accept my condolence" He said and a tear dropped from his eyes.

Mig and i glanced at ourselves in surprise.

"Condolence for what?" Mig asked but Selena interrupted us before Ryan could answer.

"Ma'am Mrs Sasha Lee is here" Selena said.

"Really?" I asked more surprised.

"Wow...let her in" I said holding Mig's hand.

Sasha came in wearing a beautiful black gown.. mopping her face with an handkerchief and sniffling.

"Sasha why are you here?" I asked.

"Welcome back Vinnie,I know it hurts a lot to lose someone... please accept my condolence" She said and i moved back in shock.

"Your condolence for what?" I asked confused.

"For Mr Winters sorry it had to happen that way,it's a pity Mrs Winters had to pass on just when his daughter arrived" Sasha said.

"My dad is not dad is Hale and hearty" I screamed in annoyance and they wore astonished looks.

Dianne had also came out...

"I understand you might not want to expose his death yet,you don't have to lie cause Mr Winters was shot and he's dead" Ryan said almost In a yell.

"Excuse me,who told you Mr Winters is dead?" Mig asked.

"Ehm..mhm" They stuttered..

"Speak out...who told you Mr Winters is dead!!" Dianne yelled.

"It wa-s Mrs Wi-nte-rs" Sasha stammered.

"What !! Mrs Winters !!" We exclaimed..

"If you care to know,my dad is not dead,he's alive and well,you this scumbags" Dianne yelled at them. They stood there in shock.

I quickly picked up my iPod and take several shots of them in that position.

"Get the hell out of our house this minute" I yelled and ordered the bodyguards to push them out but Sasha has already pounced on me hitting me all over the face.