chapter 69

💎Mrs Winters POV💎

Its been a week and today is the day we planned on kidnapping those little flies..

They've become more popular and wealthy over the week..

People now speak of them...they are receiving all the glories..a day won't pass without them getting a direct contract from big companies while Sasha is now struggling and using her body to get contract..

Well..they will soon leave this world for us.

Thank goodness..that crazy nurse has gone back to the damn countryside she came from.

I opened my wardrobe and brought out a yellow gown..

I stretched it up and smiled admiring the designs on it my eyes suddenly sighted something the top of my cupboard.

I gasped in shock when i noticed it was a camera. could i be this dumb.

I yanked it away from there in fury, disconnecting whatever connection they have with my room. do i know how long the camera has been there?

Wait... isn't this the camera Vinnie ordered?

Gosh....I've been fooled,I'm smarter than this,how could i f**k up.

They've surely uncovered all our secrets and we need to zip their mouths before they this get to the public.

I saw Maisey standing behind me with a bewildered look.

"Why are you standing there gazing at me...get me my phone from the table and get the hell out of this room" I yelled at her.

She quickly brought over my phone and rushed out of the room.

I dialed Ryan's number...

"Hey Ryan...our secrets has been discovered" I blurted over the phone.

"What !!...who discovered our secrets? Did you go blabbing about?" He asked to my fury.

"You are sure could i tell them" I yelled over the phone.

"Then how did they discovered it!" He asked with fear in his voice.

"I just discovered a secret camera in my room right was planted by them cause i remembered Elva ordered for a camera"


"Yeah...what are we gonna do?" I asked.

"You know we are kidnapping then today right?"

"Yeah,and?" I asked.

"They are gonna be killed but we will threaten them to submit all the evidences they have...once they do...then we will them...what do you think about that?" He asked.

"That's fine,a very good plan" I said with a smile.

"Today is their end" Ryan said with a chuckle.

"After we are done with them...we will go after that crazy nurse in the countryside" I said with a chuckle.

"Of course we will...allow me go get ready..bye" He said disconnecting the call.

Yes...they thought they are smart but we are smarter...

I can't wait to get rid of this family.

💎Elva's POV💎

I yawned and sat up on the bed.

I smiled when my eyes locked our portrait...Mig and i holding hands and staring deep into my eyes..

The portrait is so beautiful,no one will come into my room and won't compliment it.

I always stare at it every day i get up from bed.

Mig also has a copy of it in his room.

I stood up and walked towards the mirror.

I admired my reflection as and let out a wide grin.

It's been a week now and a lot has happened over the week.

Mig and i have progressed to an extent where companies now beg us to model for them.

We've made a lot of cash over the week and right now we've bought a whole estate...we will be moving into it after our marriage 😉

Fleur has gone back to the countryside with her prince charming...she kept on calling from time to time,and we also call her.

We plan on informing the cops about Mrs Winters and co this week.

The tape recorder that was given to Maisey is right in my wardrobe... funny enough,they didn't go deeper into their plan,they were only discussing how to make Sasha Lee supercede me and some other irrelevant criminal talks but we kept the tape cause it's also an evidence...

They will be brought to book soon.

We decided to have today and tomorrow off so we can have some rest.

Our relationship has progressed also and our love for each other kept on increasing.

I walked to my wardrobe, opened it and searched for a nice outfit.

Mig, Dianne and i are going shopping today.

A purple jumpsuit caught my eyes and i quickly un-hanged it.

I opened my drawer and brought out my undies.

I selected a pair of black stiletto from the shoe rack and a beautiful black shoulder bag.

I placed it all on the bed and walked to the bathroom to shower.


I turned off the faucet and stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my body.

I walked to the sink to brush.


I finished brushing my teeth and walked back to my room.

I dried my body with the towel before applying some body lotion.

I put on my undies then slip on the jumpsuit which hugged me like a second skin.

I brushed my hair,applied hair lotion and quickly made it into a French plait.

I put on my black stiletto and carried my bag.

I walked back to my perfumes drawer and picked my favorite "glow" it's made by B&M perfume company.

I applied it in the necessary part on my body, dropped it back in it's place before walking back to the mirror.

Damn...'if i weren't this person..I would be damn jealous' I muttered slowly with a smile before walking out if the room.


I met Mig and Dianne watching an American movie in the living room,they are already dressed.. looking beautiful as always.

They heard the sound of my stiletto and faced back.

Damn...I had wanted to surprise them.

"Sweet look beautiful" Dianne said.

"Thanks Dianne"

"Babe you look breath taking" Mig Said and i blushed.

He came over to hug me.

"I'm thinking we should have breakfast before leaving" Dianne said and i looked up at Mig to see if he approves.

"Yeah that would be nice" He said.

I dropped my bag on the couch and we walked to the dining room.

We sat round the table...and were served a breakfast of sandwich and coffee.

We chat amidst breakfast... laughing at intervals.

Maisey suddenly rushed to us looking worried.

A bodyguard tried to stop her but i told him to let her be.

"Maisey what's wrong?" Mig asked.

"Mrs Winters has found out about the camera" She panted and our eyes widened in shock.

"What !!" We exclaimed.

"Damn...what are we gonna do?" I asked in fear.

"Please don't let her know i told you guys anything...just act like all is normal...I'm sorry that's all i can do for now" Maisey said before walking away.

We stopped eating breakfast and rushed back to Dianne's room.

She opened her laptop and tried to connect it and truly,the screen went blank...we didn't see a thing.

"Damn...what are we gonna do?" Dianne asked.

"You know what?...we won't act as if we know anything...let's just get out of this place first then we will discuss the rest in the car" He said.

Dianne picked up something i can't name and placed it in the pocket of her trouser.

We all hurried out of the room...i picked up my bag when we get to the living room.

We walked out of the house and hurried towards the Lamborghini in the parking lot.

We stopped the driver and bodyguards from coming with us cause we need some time alone.

Mig got behind the wheels,I sat beside him while Dianne sat at the back.

He turned on the ignition and sped out of our house.

I sighed when he drove towards the road...

"Call Fleur...she might have some ideas" Dianne said and i quickly picked up my phone putting a call to Fleur..

"Hey Fleur" I said into the phone.

"Hey Elva... what's up, your voice doesn't seems cool" She said.

"Fleur Mrs Winters have found out about the camera" I said..

"What !!" She exclaimed.

I gasped in fear when a van double crossed our's.

Three huge men clothed in ninja outfits stepped out walking towards our car.

"Damn...we are dead" I cried.

We froze as they forced to the door of our car open.

They pulled me down dragging me by my hair.

I yelled in pain.

Mig struggled with the other guy but he was hit on the head with a rod which render him unconscious...

Two of the guys carried him towards their van..they pushed his unconscious body in and came back for us.

Dianne and i cried loudly as they pushed us towards the van.

They forced us in and i quickly attended to Mig, shaking him hard but he didn't open his eyes.

I cried and screamed loud for help as the van drove away.

I felt a sharp pain at the back of my head and realized one of them had hit me on the head.

My eyes swayed as i dropped beside the unconscious Mig.

I felt blood gush out of my head and my eyes felt dizzy.

I started loosing conscious as the blood came gushing out.

"Vinnie" was the last thing i heard before everything blacked out.