Chapter 11:The Confrontation

A man enters the room with a…

Recognizable face. The individual was wearing a gray suit, with his gaze facing me.

However, on this occasion, he is accompanied by others.

And now, he is in charge of a firearm.

I stood outside frightened as the dog quickly ran across the street to chase after the squirrel.

The trip to the penthouse is quiet, the heaviness of the night increasing with each moment. 

"My decision is to know what Max is up to, and what's going on?" I attempt to control my breathing while my thoughts are moving rapidly. I can hardly feel Max's hand on my knee as it rests there.

Anna's warning still echoes in my head. He's hiding something, Lila. Don't trust him. Get out while you still can.

The text replays over and over, louder than the hum of the car. 

Max has been silent since we departed from the gathering. And I could imagine him, not steady.