Barak looked at him, his eyes icy blue and his face thoughtful, but he didn't say anything.
"Do you know what I think?" Garion said on a sudden impulse. "I think
that it's the Orb of Aldur that's been stolen. I think it's the Orb
that Mister Wolf is trying to find."
"And I think it would be better if you didn't think so much about such things," Barak warned.
"But I want to know," Garion protested, his curiosity driving him
even in the face of Barak's words and the warning voice in his mind.
"Everyone treats me like an ignorant boy. All I do is tag along with no
idea of what we're doing. Who is Mister Wolf, anyway? Why did the Algars
behave the way they did when they saw him? How can he follow something
that he can't see? Please tell me, Barak."
"Not I." Barak laughed. "Your Aunt would pull out my beard whisker by whisker if I made that mistake."
"You're not afraid of her, are you?"
"Any man with good sense is afraid of her," Barak said, rising and sliding his sword into its sheath.
"Aunt Pol?" Garion asked incredulously.
"Aren't you afraid of her?" Barak asked pointedly.
"No," Garion said, and then realized that was not precisely true.
"Well-not really afraid. It's more-" He left it hanging, not knowing how
to explain it.
"Exactly," Barak said. "And I'm no more foolhardy than you, my boy.
You're too full of questions I'd be far wiser not to answer. If you want
to know about these things, you'll have to ask your Aunt."
"She won't tell me," Garion said glumly. "She won't tell me anything. She won't even tell me about my parents-not really."
Barak frowned.
"That's strange," he said.
"I don't think they were Sendars," Garion said. "Their names weren't
Sendarian, and Silk says that I'm not a Sendar - at least I don't look
like one."
Barak looked at him closely. "No," he said finally. "Now that you
mention it, you don't. You look more like a Rivan than anything else,
but not quite that either."
"Is Aunt Pol a Rivan?"
Barak's eyes narrowed slightly. "I think we're getting to some more of those questions I hadn't better answer," he said.
"I'm going to find out someday," Garion said.
"But not today," Barak said. "Come along. I need some exercise. Let's
go out into the innyard and I'll teach you how to use a sword."
"Me?" Garion said, all his curiosity suddenly melting away in the excitement of that thought.
"You're at an age where you should begin to learn," Barak said. "The
occasion may someday arise when it will be a useful thing for you to
Late that afternoon when
Garion's arm had begun to ache from the effort of swinging Barak's
heavy sword and the whole idea of learning the skills of a warrior had
become a great deal less exciting, Mister Wolf and Silk returned. Their
clothes were wet from the snow through which they had trudged all day,
but Wolf's eyes were bright, and his face had a curiously exultant
expression as he led them all back up the stairs to the sitting room.
"Ask your Aunt to join us," he told Garion as he removed his sodden mantle and stepped to the fire to warm himself.
Garion sensed quickly that this was not the time for questions. He
hurried to the polished door where Aunt Pol had been closeted with her
dressmaker all day and rapped.
"What is it?" her voice came from inside.
"Mister-uh-that is, your chamberlain has returned, my Lady," Garion
said, remembering at the last moment that she was not alone. "He
requests a word with you."
"Oh, very well," she said. After a minute she came out, firmly closing the door behind her.
Garion gasped. The rich, blue velvet gown she wore made her so
magnificent that she quite took his breath away. He stared at her in
helpless admiration.
"Where is he?" she asked. "Don't stand and gape, Garion. It's not polite."
"You're beautiful, Aunt Pol," he blurted.
"Yes, dear," she said, patting his cheek, "I know. Now where's the Old Wolf?"
"In the room with the tapestries," Garion said, still unable to take his eyes from her.
"Come along, then," she said and swept down the short hall to the
sitting room. They entered to find the others all standing by the
"Well?" she asked.
Wolf looked up at her, his eyes still bright. "An excellent choice,
Pol," he said admiringly. "Blue has always been your best color."
"Do you like it?" she asked, holding out her arms and turning almost
girlishly so that they all might see how fine she looked. "I hope it
pleases you, old man, because it's costing you a great deal of money."
Wolf laughed. "I was almost certain it would," he said.
The effect of Aunt Pol's gown on Durnik was painfully obvious. The
poor man's eyes literally bulged, and his face turned alternately very
pale and then very red, then finally settled into an expression of such
hopelessness that Garion was touched to the quick by it.
Silk and Barak in curious unison both bowed deeply and wordlessly to Aunt Pol, and her eyes sparkled at their silent tribute.
"It's been here," Wolf announced seriously.
"You're certain?" Aunt Pol demanded.
He nodded. "I could feel the memory of its passage in the very stones."
"Did it come by sea?" she asked.
"No. He probably came ashore with it in some secluded cove up the coast and then traveled here by land."
"And took ship again?"
"I doubt that," Wolf said. "I know him well. He's not comfortable on the sea."
"Besides which," Barak said, "one word to King Anheg of Cherek would
have put a hundred warships on his trail. No one can hide on the sea
from the ships of Cherek, and he knows that."
"You're right," Wolf agreed. "I think he'll avoid the domains of the
Alorns. That's probably why he chose not to pass along the North Road
through Algaria and Drasnia. The Spirit of Belar is strong in the
kingdoms of the Alorns, and not even this thief is bold enough to risk a
confrontation with the Bear-God."
"Which leaves Arendia," Silk said, "or the land of the Ulgos."
"Arendia, I think," Wolf said. "The wrath of UL is even more fearsome than that of Belar."
"Forgive me," Durnik said, his eyes still on Aunt Pol. "This is all
most confusing. I've never heard just exactly who this thief is."
"I'm sorry, gentle Durnik," Wolf said. "It's not a good idea to speak
his name. He has certain powers which might make it possible for him to
know our every move if we alert him to our location, and he can hear
his name spoken a thousand leagues away."