The song came yet nearer, and Garion could hear the step of a horse's
hooves in the wet snow. Carefully he poked his head out from behind the
wall as the singer appeared out of the fog no more than twenty paces
away. He was a young man dressed in yellow hose and a bright red jerkin.
His fur-lined cloak was tossed back, and he had a long, curved bow
slung over one shoulder and a well-sheathed sword at his opposite hip.
His reddish-gold hair fell smoothly down his back from beneath a pointed
cap with a feather rising from it. Although his song was grim and he
sang it in a voice throbbing with passion, there was about his youthful
face a kind of friendly openness that no amount of scowling could erase.
Garion glared at this empty-headed young nobleman, quite certain that
the singing fool had never made a meal of tree roots or mourned the
passing of a wife who had starved herself to death out of grief. The
stranger turned his horse and, still singing, rode directly toward the
broken arch of the gateway beside which Garion lurked in ambush.
Garion was not normally a belligerent boy, and under other
circumstances he might have approached the situation differently. The
gaudy young stranger, however, had presented himself at precisely the
wrong time. Garion's quickly devised plan had the advantage of
simplicity. Since there was nothing to complicate it, it worked
admirably - up to a point. No sooner had the lyric young man passed
through the gate than Garion stepped from his hiding place, grasped the
back of the rider's cloak and yanked him bodily out of the saddle. With a
startled outcry and a wet splat, the stranger landed unceremoniously on
his back in the slush at Garion's feet. The second part of Garion's
plan, however, fell completely apart. Even as he moved in to take the
fallen rider prisoner at sword point, the young man rolled, came to his
feet, and drew his own sword, seemingly all in one motion. His eyes were
snapping with anger, and his sword weaved threateningly.
Garion was not a fencer, but his reflexes were good and the chores he
had performed at Faldor's farm had hardened his muscles. Despite the
anger which had moved him to attack in the first place, he had no real
desire to hurt this young man. His opponent seemed to be holding his
sword lightly, almost negligently, and Garion thought that a smart blow
on the blade might very well knock it out of his hand. He swung quickly,
but the blade flicked out of the path of his heavy swipe and clashed
with a steely ring down on his own sword. Garion jumped back and made
another clumsy swing. The swords rang again. Then the air was filled
with clash and scrape and bell-like rattle as the two of them banged and
parried and feinted with their blades. It took Garion only a moment to
realize that his opponent was much better at this than he was but that
the young man had ignored several opportunities to strike at him. In
spite of himself he began to grin in the excitement of their noisy
contest. The stranger's answering grin was open, even friendly.
"All right, that's enough of that!" It was Mister Wolf. The old man
was striding toward them with Barak and Silk close on his heels. "Just
exactly what do you two think you're doing?"
Garion's opponent, after one startled glance, lowered his sword. "Belgarath-" he began.
"Lelldorin," Wolf's tone was scathing, "have you lost what little sense you had to begin with?"
Several things clicked into place in Garion's mind simultaneously as
Wolf turned on him coldly. "Well, Garion, would you like to explain
Garion instantly decided to try guile. "Grandfather," he said,
stressing the word and giving the younger stranger a quick warning look,
"you didn't think we were really fighting, did you? Lelldorin here was
just showing me how you block somebody's sword when he attacks, that's
"Really?" Wolf replied skeptically.
"Of course," Garion said, all innocence now. "What possible reason could there be for us to be trying to hurt each other?"
Lelldorin opened his mouth to speak, but Garion deliberately stepped on his foot.
"Lelldorin's really very good," he rushed on, putting his hand in a
friendly fashion on the young man's shoulder. "He taught me a lot in
just a few minutes."
-Let it stand-Silk's fingers flickered at him in the minute gestures of the Drasnian secret language. Always keep a lie simple.
"The lad is an apt pupil, Belgarath," Lelldorin said lamely, finally understanding.
"He's agile, if nothing else," Mister Wolf replied dryly. "What's the
idea behind all the frippery?" He indicated Lelldorin's gaudy clothes.
"You look like a maypole."
"The Mimbrates had started detaining honest Asturians for
questioning," the young Arend explained, "and I had to pass several of
their strongholds. I thought that if I dressed like one of their toadies
I wouldn't be bothered."
"Maybe you've got better sense than I thought," Wolf conceded
grudgingly. He turned to Silk and Barak. "This is Lelldorin, son of the
Baron of Wildantor. He'll be joining us."
"I wanted to talk to you about that, Belgarath," Lelldorin put in
quickly. "My father commanded me to come here and I can't disobey him,
but I'm pledged in a matter of extremest urgency."
"Every young nobleman in Asturias pledged in at least two or three
such matters of urgency," Wolf replied. "I'm sorry, Lelldorin, but the
matter we're involved in is much too important to be postponed while you
go out to ambush a couple of Mimbrate tax collectors."
Aunt Pol approached them out of the fog then, with Durnik striding
protectively at her side. "What are they doing with the swords, father?"
she demanded, her eyes flashing.
"Playing," Mister Wolf replied shortly. "Or so they say. This is Lelldorin. I think I've mentioned him to you."
Aunt Pol looked Lelldorin up and down with one raised eyebrow. "A very colorful young man."
"The clothes are a disguise," Wolf explained. "He's not as frivolous
as all that - not quite, anyway. He's the best bowman in Asturia, and we
might need his skill before we're done with all this."
"I see," she said, somewhat unconvinced.
"There's another reason, of course," Wolf continued, "but I don't think we need to get into that just now, do we?"
"Are you still worried about that passage, father?" she asked with
exasperation. "The Mrin Codex is very obscure, and none of the other
versions say anything at all about the people it mentions. It could be
pure allegory, you know."
"I've seen a few too many allegories turn out to be plain fact to
start gambling at this point. Why don't we all go back to the tower?" he
suggested. "It's a bit cold and wet out here for lengthy debates on
textual variations."