Intense Battle II

As he was about to land from the blast, his instinct flared up again. 'Not you again' he complained, as he sighted the supposed team leader already at his landing area, charging up a skill.

 "LIGHTNING SPEAR" she yelled, as she threw her charged up skill at the disoriented opponent. The skill as the name suggested was a spear made of lightning, except that the length and width of the lightning increased as it flew towards Tim.

By the time it was in front of Tim, it was already 10ft long and 5 ft wide. It was an unavoidable skill for Tim in his present circumstance. PFFFF BOOOOM! The spear crashed into Tim, electrocuting, carrying and throwing him past the truck for about 600 meters. fortunately for Tim, he blocked the tip of the lightning spear with his high grade sword.

'Nobody will survive that' the female team leader thought, as she tried to catch her breathe. That skill that she used, was an even more advanced skill than the basic teleportation skill she stole. The skill literally drained her of all her mana.

"He should be dead, he had no empowered protection on him, there is no way he will survive that"

"Yes, he should be dead, but being safe is better than being sorry. MANA BARRAGE" the scout archer said, as he used a skill on the crater made by the last lightning skill.

BOOM BOOM BOOM Explosions rang out repeatedly on the crater for several minutes, as the archers almost drained all their energy on the crater.

Lightning was a deadly element, users of the lightning element, were known for their destructiveness, and Tim just tasted the sweet flavor of the lightning element.

Under normal circumstance, no being below the Grand Master rank will survive that attack without putting up a proper defense or using a high ranked defensive item, but Tim was far from normal.

As the lightning was tearing and feasting on his body, his body was healing at an accelerated rate. He normally had 10 times faster healing than a normal awakened, but the accelerated healing took it to 15 times of an awakened.

He would have been a dead man, had the spear impaled him. It took him about 3 minutes before he regained his consciousness, as he was about to get up, barrages of mana arrow started raining in the crater he was in.

He dodged and blocked to the best of his abilities, but some arrows still impaled his limbs. He was panting heavily.' Did they encircle me intentionally? Did they know I will jump and not forcefully break out from the barrage? Did they use an attack from their play book for me? They are experienced ' he concluded.

About 2 minutes after the barrage, he had fully recovered his stamina, and he was almost fully healed.

Truthfully, he had underestimated the Elite Warrior's, thinking they will also underestimate him too. He confirmed that the heavy hitters of the group were the archers and their team leader, the rest were just cannon fodders to him.

"Time to get serious" He said with a serious expression.

Tim came out of the crater, his clothes torn and worn, his face totally exposed revealing his facial features. He didn't like status of his clothe but there was nothing he could do, the group really did a number on him.

"What! how is he still alive" the scout archer closest to the crater yelled out, alerting the remaining group. "Shit" the team leader cursed out, she was still low on mana, and she did not trust that the team could fair well against the monstrous opponent.

"Does he have a healing relic or potion?" one of the team members asked. "Shut up and focus on the opponent, protect the archers." The leader yelled.

The remaining sword wielding members charged at Tim, with their swords reinforced with raw mana energy. At 400 meters from the group, he began to dash towards them, in an effort to end the battle quickly.

At 50 meters till the clash between the two forces, Tim suddenly threw his blade, like a spear at the Elite in the vanguard position of the charge. The pitch black blade travelled at a terrifying speed, due to the force used for the throw.

The warrior was so focused on the imminent clash, that he did not see when the opponent threw the blade. PUICHH!

The blade busted through the head of the warrior, like it was a balloon that popped, and impaled the throat of the unsuspecting warrior that was directly at the back of the vanguard warrior.

It happened so fast, that the other three warriors were stunned briefly by the sudden death of their allies. This brief pause was all he needed, as he reached the nearest warrior, and stabbed the warrior with a short blade that he removed from the storage belt of the same warrior, before the warrior could put up a defense. PUICHH

The warrior fell immediately, the last thing he saw was a golden haired teen with no remorse in his expression.

This brutal killing method, was instilled by his organization, at 6 he already knew the weak point of all living things, the neck, the head and the heart. As someone that grew that hunted both human and beast for more than half of his life on Earth 19, he could always pinpoint the weak point, even in the dark.

Removing his blade swiftly from the shriveled corpse of the fallen warrior, he tried to resume his onslaught, but he was interrupted by the archers, they started to fire basic mana arrows at Tim.

"They are such a pest" he said frustratingly. The short window he had was closed early, due to the interruption of the archers.

"WIND BREAKTHROUGH!" the 2 remaining warriors of the five screamed at the top of their lungs. Heavy wind immediately gathered, and accelerated towards Tim. It was a wide range skill, which made evading very difficult at a close range.

Tim was not defenseless against all skills. He knew multiple battle techniques, he even developed some techniques that could counter awakened skills, so he was not panicking when he saw a rush of wind coming towards him.