
'This beast won't just let me be' a frustrated Tim whined as he faced of the beast.

[It will be better if you scream for help, so help actually arrives.]

'Tch, as if' he turned the idea down. The beast body suddenly started to turn red again, Tim remembered this particular skill of the beast.

As the last time the beast did something like this, the next thing Tim knew was that he was unconscious.

"Shit, Help!!!!" he screamed out as he started sprinting with his full speed to hide behind the large rocks that were scattered around the cave.

[ Do you see that? Asking for help does not kill]

'Do note that if I die, you would also die' he threatened.


The beast shot off like a bullet leaving a sniper riffle, destroying all the rocks within the cave area. 'Are you shitting me, it is levelling the cave area' he cursed out, as he kept moving behind rocks.

He was actually retreating back into the deeper areas of the cave since the beast destroyed all the large rocks towards the entrance. The destruction finally stopped. He was relieved it seemed as if the beast's skill was on a sort of cooldown or something.


[New Mission: Defeat the mature Saber Liger, before help arrives.

Reward: Forced Awakening.

Accept or Reject


Tim's eyes widened, a holographic screen just popped out in front of him. 'What is this?' he asked, as he was running back deeper into the cave.

[It is your system screen. I will use it to show you visual image of your stats, skills and missions. Get used to it] 

He was oddly satisfied with the response that the voice gave him. He then read the details properly. ' defeat the Saber Liger? Forced Awakening! Are you truly able to make me awakened?'

[ Yes I can, but only if you complete the mission, and no I can't just help you awaken . I can only assist after you perform important feats. You have about a minute before the mission expires.]

'Accept!' he yelled out in his head, as he stopped running deeper into the cave. He had been trying to awaken for over a year right now, and the voice in his head just offered him a way out.

The reward was too tempting for Tim to just back out off. He took his stance at waited for the beast spot him. It spotted him then accelerated at Tim with great speed, aiming to crush him with its powerful paws.

It appeared in front of Tim with its paws striking for his head merely 4 seconds after spotting Tim in the open. Tim wanted to strike his blade against the paws of the beast, but he knew that he could not overpower the beast's force, so he turned to the one battle technique he had mastered.

His Momentum redirection technique. Although he had tried to utilize it previously against the beast, but it was futile, this time he properly balanced his body hoping the results will be different this time.

As the paws neared Tim, he sidestepped gracefully and used the blunt side of his to redirect the beasts charge making it crash into a nearby wall. BOOM

Not wasting time, he accelerated towards the large beast aiming to deal to it a fatal strike, but as he was 3 meters from the beast. The beast roared, and a visible shockwave slammed into Tim, blasting him towards the other end of the cave.

It was the same skill, the first Saber Liger used, but the firepower was much more different. Intense blood was leaking out of the holes on his face, He struggled to align himself mid flight, but he eventually did.

He channeled all the force and momentum acting on his body towards his legs, as he landing on the wall of the cave. With the force and momentum fully on his legs, his landing created a crater on the wall and shattered all the bones on his legs.

He screamed in pain, but in that same second of impact he yelled 'VAMP!' instantly, he did not even know why he yelled it, but the system used the skill to heal him before and it was supposedly his bloodline skill, so his mind just thought of it.

The shattered bones immediately restored to peak condition, including all the other wounds on his body. He burrowed from the remaining momentum to shoot himself towards the beast with a deadly speed, aiming to cut off anything that hindered him.

As he neared the beast, the beast's body suddenly became red unlike the previous times that the body of the beast gradually became red. The beast sidestepped to Tim's right as if it teleported, totally escaping the possible range of a possible blade swing.

Tim's eyes widened midflight when the beast instantly became red, because the first time he saw the particular skill, he lost consciousness afterwards. The beast which was now at the side of Tim against his front smashed its paws on the exposed back of the accelerating Tim.


The hit was like a lightening strike. Tim took the brunt damage with no form of defense. He crashed down into the ground creating a very deep crater. The sound of the strike reverberated all throughout the cave as big as the cave was.

The strike would have instantly killed Tim, but his System proactively casted Vamp for Tim 4 consecutive times to mitigate the damage, but Tim was out cold from the damage.

The beast looked down into the crater and saw that Tim was not moving. It was satisfied, prey should not be this tough to handle it thought. He had wasted a lot of time and energy battling this particular prey, but it was its trick that helped it win against the prey.

The beast had intentionally slow charged the skill that gave it an impossible speed in front of Tim, it was just to create a false perception of how the skill worked, but it actually worked because the prey charged at him thinking it could not charge its skill in that brief time.

It had totally outsmarted its prey. It had started to walk towards the bottom of the crater that was 30 meters deep to finish up the prey when unexpected guest arrived.

It suddenly became weary, it had seen the guests back at the entrance, but it ignored them simply because he was too focused on the prey, and the guests did not show any interest in interfering with its battle.

It made a loud and powerful roar to scare the guests off, but they did not budge. It really was low on energy due to the prolonged battle it fought, so it wanted to recover energy by feeding on the prey, but it seemed like the guests had no intention for it to do such.

"Why don't you leave my friend there alone, I would not want to hurt an exhausted beast" Xavier said. He had initially wanted to help Tim hurriedly, but he changed his mind midway, he decided to just watch how Tim would perform against the beast and he was truly impressed with Tim's performance.

The beast was confused on what to do. Its instincts told it that any possible prey that it could not perceive the level of threat from should be a very dangerous prey, but its hunger told it that the guests were extra food for it.

"I don't know why you want to engage in a conversation with a beast. I will end this. Leaf Bane" Bubba said, as he stretched forth his hand. A leaf 2 inches long came out of his palm and started floated towards the beast.

"Huhh, this your cunny trick" Xavier said, as he watched the skill of Bubba in play. He had seen Bubba use this particular skill multiple times, and it always amazed him how a leaf could be that powerful.

The beast curiously looked at the leaf that was inches away from him and swatted it with its paw. Immediately he swatted it the leaf disappeared with smoke and 10 leaves appeared instantly also floating towards the beast.

The beast got angry at the skill and charged towards Bubba, but as the beast passed through the leaves, they all disappeared and 100 leaves appeared instantly.

Immediately they appeared, the leaves wrapped itself around one of the beast's hind legs, totally halting its movement. "This is where it gets fun" Xavier said as he removed a snack from his storage and started to eat it.

The beast surprised that the leaves could stop its acceleration started to strike at the leaves rapidly with the aim of tearing off the leaves that was wrapped around its leg, but each strike of the beast towards the leaves made the matter much worse.

The leaves kept disappearing and appearing which each strike multiplying itself with each individual strike. The beast suddenly stopped striking when it noticed that the leaves were about 20,000.