Questions, More Questions

[ Well now you know. The second way to gather experience points is by me stimulating your growth. I can grant you missions and tasks for you to accomplish. If you succeed in them you gain EXP.

Take for example that mission I gave you before you passed out. It was difficult request, but if you completed it, you would have been awakened by now]

"Tch, so you are saying that you can stimulate my growth. Damn it, you could have done something to prevent me from losing. Imagined if you helped me awaken during the battle, I would have killed the beast definitely"

[ In the vast collection of universes, a rule is commonly known; every cause has an effect.

Just because I can stimulate your growth does not mean that I can do it without cause, and the cause I recognize is the completion of missions and tasks. To put it plainly for you I can't tap into the energy required for your growth without you doing appropriate work for It]

"I see, I don't really understand, but nothing is free I guess" he accepted the explanation and continued to read the status screen that was floating in front of him.

"I agree with my Dexterity being my highest stat, but wait I have a lot of questions damn. how do I compare my stats with that of a regular awakened? Why is my Mana Energy stat reading at INFINITE? I don't feel like I have Infinite mana" Tim felt confused with everything he was reading on the screen.

[I am your guide, so I will definitely answer all the questions bothering. The stats are easy to understand, up to the legendary master level. Each level has a 5 stats range. For instance, a Warrior's is from 1-5,

a San Warrior is from 6-10, an Elite Warrior is from 11-15, a Master is from 16-20, a San Master is from 21-25. The range keeps increasing by 5 till the legendary master level.

Your mana energy being is a thing I can't really explain, you basically can't ever run out of mana energy. You are constantly absorbing mana energy at every single second unknowingly.

I think it has something to do with your bloodline or your breed. One thing I know for sure is that you have infinite access to mana energy, but what is an infinite power source without means to utilize the power source?


"Infinite mana? II doubt that." He grumbled as he continued to read his status screen. When he got to the battle technique part, he was surprised. The system accurately captured the details of the technique, he did not doubt that in anyway.

Reading on, he got to the aspect he really needed clarity on, his bloodline. He soon became disappointed because the System did not provide clarity on his bloodline. It only listed the skills that was associated with his bloodline.

"So basically, you know a lot, but not everything. I don't fully trust your knowledge but it is better than nothing. One question, can I actually die? I have had so many close calls with death, but can I really die since I can restructure my body instantly?" he asked curiously, it had been a question that he had in mind for a long time now.

What if he could not die, he would become far more careless and dangerous in his battles. What is a battle without the fear of death.

[ I knew your thoughts will be going towards that direction. You can very much die. Please do not lose the value of your life. I am connected to you, if you die, I will have no purpose for existence; I will also die.

I have saved you from certain death twice now, the last damage you took was enough to kill you 4 Times Tim in a row.]

Upon hearing what the System said last, he suddenly remembered that he was in a life and death battle with a dangerous predator. he cursed out "Damn, I did pass out in front of the beast. Damn, damn, damn."

[ Relax, you are safe now. The men you called out to earlier saved you, and it seems like they are waiting for you to wake up.]

"I was saved? Am I really saved? Aks 3 is still lurking somewhere. System is there anything you can do for me to save me from Aks 3?"

[Tim, I would like to remind you once more that I am just a guide to you. I cannot help you battle, but I can give you advice on battles.

If you are truly scared of this Aks 3 guy, why don't you ask your savior to save you from him, I believe they are powerful enough for the task.]

"Really, are they that strong? It would not hurt to try" he said, as he left his Inner Palace and regained full consciousness of his body.


"How long are we going to wait for this kid, you know we really have to get back to the higher region right?" Xavier asked restlessly, they had been waiting for about 5 hours.

The kid in question was fully healed, but had refused to regain consciousness. If it was Left to Xavier he would taken the teen with him without the teen's consent, but Bubba wanted to do it the right way.

"The boy owes us his life, why do you want me to ask for his permission. Do you know that I have already saved his life before now, he was battling a San Master and he was whooped mercilessly. I own him and he can't even deny me." Xavier said while munching on the tenth snack he had opened within their wait.

Bubba was frustrated by how Xavier was already claiming ownership over the boy's life, although he was used to how Xavier treated people, it was still unpleasant to him whenever he witnessed it.

Tim suddenly opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was two young men looking at him. Immediately he did a back roll and created distance between him and the strange men that were staring at him.

"What a feisty one we have here." Xavier commented, impressed by the quick situational awareness displayed by the teen.

Tim picked up his blade that was beside him quickly, when he did the back roll, he directed his movements towards his weapon as he did not feel comfortable being defenseless against this unknown people.

"Good, magnificent. You have what it takes, you have the qualities I am looking for" Xavier said with a grin when he saw how quick Tim was to retrieve his weapon.

"No need to be over cautious, we mean you no harm. My friend here might not be that friendly do ignore him. My name is Bubba and my friend here is Xavier. We have good intentions.

You might not know, but we come from the higher region of Earth 19, we just want to have a talk with as we are truly interested in you." Bubba said with the friendliest smile Tim had ever seen. Tim was not used to people smiling at him, so he did not believe any word that came out of Bubba's mouth.

Looking at how Tim was staring at Bubba, Xavier understood that Tim had no intention of believing Bubba, so he stepped forward to face Tim.

"I want to make this as brief as possible, you owe me your life, so you must follow us to the higher region" Xavier said plainly, the grin that once decorated his face was now long gone.

"Higher region? You keep mentioning this higher region like it is something I am supposed to be familiar with. I have no intention of following you anywhere, you might have saved my life but I am loyal to my organization" he lied.

Tim knew that Aks 3 was watching him in the shadow so why would he give himself an unnecessary death, besides with the way the guests looked, young and weak there was no way he going to bank on them to rescue him from Aks 3.

"Look what I said, he is not willing. This is an opportunity that many teens his age will fight to get, yet he rejects it casually. I should have just taken him without his consent, all this discussion would not have necessary. "Xavier ranted.


"I am not a kid" Tim Intercepted.

"I am glad that you saved me, but if you value your life's I advise that you leave, no run as far as possible from me. It would not be nice if my saviors were to die a brutal death at the hands of my supervisor" he warned.

Bubba wanted to talk, nut he was intercepted by Xavier's burst of laughter.

"I was wondering what was giving you the confidence to talk to us so boldly and I have finally figured out the reason. So it is because of that cloaked figure" Xavier said as he pointed directly to where Aks 3 was staying.