SYDNEY COULD FEEL her heart in her mouth when the taxi pulled to a stop in front of Montana Hotel. The only time Gavin had gone to Montana Hotel was when he needed time alone with Sydney.

She paid the driver and walked into the hotel. When the receptionist saw her approaching, he pretended like he was talking over the telephone.

" Oh, Mr. Rodney... Uh... Yes."

Sydney wasn't a fool. She could tell he was pretending. " Clinton, Mr. Rodney is over there." She said and gestured towards Rodney who talking with some men in tuxedos.

He chuckled nervously and dropped the telephone. Like he knew what Sydney came for, he said, " Mr. Reed is in room... 15 VVIP. "

Her face became paler. She thanked Clinton and headed for the stairs giving herself enough time to pull herself together. Gavin was certainly with someone since he booked an erotic suite.